Components Chips
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Chips are small blocks that represent a complex entity, such as a calendar event or contact. They can contain a photo, short title string (truncated if necessary), and other brief information about the entity. Chips are easily manipulated through drag and drop. Pressing them can invoke the full entity view in a hovercard or full screen view or invoke a menu of options related to that chip’s entity. Animations invoking and invoked from chips should resize the chip paper between entity views for element persistence.

Contact Chips Expand and collapse content An arrow that points down when collapsed and points up when expanded.

Contact chips represent people for whom the user has contact information. They are invoked and inserted into a text field (usually the “To” field) when the user starts typing a contact’s name, sees the contact’s addresses, and selects the correct address. Contact chips can be added directly to a text field from a menu of contacts.

Contact chips are useful as they let the user confirm they're sending a message to the correct person, and are space and operationally efficient.

Closed Contact Chip
  • The contact name text is Roboto Regular 14 sp.
  • Upon focus, the chip rises. When pressed, it expands to shows alternative addresses for the contact.
Open Contact Chip
  • By default, the top field is activated and focused.
  • The contact name text is Roboto Regular 16 sp.
  • The address text is Roboto Regular 14 sp.
  • Upon press, the contact chip closes.