Section 1.2 Topics Covered in MTH 65
ΒΆExplanations, Examples, and Exercises.
Please note that the documents open in new windows.
- Properties of Exponents
- Negative Exponents
- Introduction to Polynomials
- Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials
- Multiplication of Polynomials
- Division of a Polynomial by a Monomial
- Simplifying Square Root Expressions
- Rationalizing Monomial Square Root Denominators
- Adding and Subtracting Square Root Expressions
- Rationalizing Binomial Square Root Denominators
- Radicals with Indices Greater Than Two
- Rational Exponents
- Equations with Radical Expressions
- Solving a Quadratic Equation by the Square Root Method
- Solving a Quadratic Equation using the Quadratic Formula
- Imaginary Numbers
- Complex Numbers
- Complex Number Solutions to Quadratic Equations
- Application Problems that Involve Quadratic Equations
- Scientific Notation
- Properties of Parabolas
- Using Graphs to Solve Inequalities
GeoGebra Applets.
Please note that the Applets open in new windows.
The meaning of positive integer exponents (Exploration Applet)
The power-to-a-power rule of exponents. (Exploration Applet)
Practice problems combining the product rule and the power-to-a-power rule. (Drill Applet)
The quotient rule of exponents - Part I. (Exploration Applet)
The quotient rule of exponents - Part II. (Exploration Applet)
Which version of the quotient rule should be used? (Drill Applet)
Applying the exponent rules applied to non-negative integer exponents. (Drill Applet)
What's the meaning of negative exponents? (Exploration Applet)
Which factors move when there's a negative exponent? (Drill Applet)
Applying the rules of exponents to integer exponents. (Drill Applet)
Convert from Standard Notation to Scientific Notation. (Drill Applet)
Multiplying numbers expressed using scientific notation. (Drill Applet)
Simplifying square root expressions (Exploration and Drill Applet)
Rationalizing monomial square root denominators. (Exploration and Drill Applet)
Rationalizing binomial denominators that have a square root term. (Exploration and Drill Applet)
What is the meaning of a rational exponent? (Exploration Applet)
Simplifying square roots of negative integers. (Exploration and Drill Applet)
Using a graph to solve an inequality - part one. (Graphing Applet)
Using a graph to solve an inequality - part two. (Graphing Applet)
Videos Created by Ann Cary, Scot Leavitt, and Emily Nelson.
The links take you to YouTube Playlists which will open either in a new window or in a Youtube App.
- Exponents and scientific notation
- Addition and subtraction of polynomials
- Multiplication of polynomials
- Special cases of polynomial multiplication
- Division of polynomials by monomials
- Addition and subtraction of polynomials
- Multiplication of polynomials
- Special cases of polynomial multiplication
- Division of polynomials by monomials
- Square root properties
- Solving quadratic equations by using a square root
- The quadratic formula
- Complex solutions to quadratic equations