Android APIs
public static final class


extends Settings.NameValueTable
   ↳ android.provider.Settings.NameValueTable
     ↳ android.provider.Settings.Secure

Class Overview

Secure system settings, containing system preferences that applications can read but are not allowed to write. These are for preferences that the user must explicitly modify through the system UI or specialized APIs for those values, not modified directly by applications.


String ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED If accessibility is enabled.
String ACCESSIBILITY _SPEAK_PASSWORD Whether to speak passwords while in accessibility mode.
String ADB_ENABLED This constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use ADB_ENABLED instead
String ALLOWED_GEOLOCATION_ORIGINS Origins for which browsers should allow geolocation by default.
String ALLOW_MOCK_LOCATION Setting to allow mock locations and location provider status to be injected into the LocationManager service for testing purposes during application development.
String ANDROID_ID A 64-bit number (as a hex string) that is randomly generated when the user first sets up the device and should remain constant for the lifetime of the user's device.
String BACKGROUND_DATA This constant was deprecated in API level 14. As of ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH, availability of background data depends on several combined factors. When background data is unavailable, getActiveNetworkInfo() will now appear disconnected.
String BLUETOOTH_ON This constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use BLUETOOTH_ON instead
String DATA_ROAMING This constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use DATA_ROAMING instead
String DEFAULT_INPUT_METHOD Setting to record the input method used by default, holding the ID of the desired method.
String DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS_ENABLED This constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS_ENABLED instead
String DEVICE_PROVISIONED This constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use DEVICE_PROVISIONED instead
String ENABLED_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICES List of the enabled accessibility providers.
String ENABLED_INPUT_METHODS List of input methods that are currently enabled.
String HTTP_PROXY This constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use HTTP_PROXY
String INPUT_METHOD_SELECTOR_VISIBILITY Setting to record the visibility of input method selector
String INSTALL_NON_MARKET_APPS This constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use INSTALL_NON_MARKET_APPS instead
String LOCATION_MODE The degree of location access enabled by the user.
int LOCATION_MODE_BATTERY_SAVING Reduced power usage, such as limiting the number of GPS updates per hour.
int LOCATION_MODE_HIGH_ACCURACY Best-effort location computation allowed.
int LOCATION_MODE_OFF Location access disabled.
int LOCATION_MODE_SENSORS_ONLY Network Location Provider disabled, but GPS and other sensors enabled.
String LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED This constant was deprecated in API level 19. use LOCATION_MODE
String LOCK_PATTERN_ENABLED Whether autolock is enabled (0 = false, 1 = true)
String LOCK_PATTERN_TACTILE_FEEDBACK_ENABLED This constant was deprecated in API level 17. Starting in JELLY_BEAN_MR1 the lockscreen uses HAPTIC_FEEDBACK_ENABLED.
String LOCK_PATTERN_VISIBLE Whether lock pattern is visible as user enters (0 = false, 1 = true)
String LOGGING_ID This constant was deprecated in API level 3. This identifier is poorly initialized and has many collisions. It should not be used.
String NETWORK_PREFERENCE This constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use NETWORK_PREFERENCE instead
String PARENTAL_CONTROL_ENABLED No longer supported.
String PARENTAL_CONTROL_LAST_UPDATE No longer supported.
String PARENTAL_CONTROL_REDIRECT_URL No longer supported.
String SELECTED_INPUT_METHOD_SUBTYPE Setting to record the input method subtype used by default, holding the ID of the desired method.
String SETTINGS_CLASSNAME Settings classname to launch when Settings is clicked from All Applications.
String TOUCH_EXPLORATION_ENABLED If touch exploration is enabled.
String TTS_DEFAULT_COUNTRY This constant was deprecated in API level 14. this setting is no longer in use, as of the Ice Cream Sandwich release. Apps should never need to read this setting directly, instead can query the TextToSpeech framework classes for the default locale. getLanguage().
String TTS_DEFAULT_LANG This constant was depr ecated in API level 14. this setting is no longer in use, as of the Ice Cream Sandwich release. Apps should never need to read this setting directly, instead can query the TextToSpeech framework classes for the default locale. getLanguage().
String TTS_DEFAULT_PITCH Default text-to-speech engine pitch.
String TTS_DEFAULT_RATE Default text-to-speech engine speech rate.
String TTS_DEFAULT_SYNTH Default text-to-speech engine.
String TTS_DEFAULT_VARIANT This constant was deprecated in API level 14. this setting is no longer in use, as of the Ice Cream Sandwich release. Apps should never need to read this setting directly, instead can query the TextToSpeech framework classes for the locale that is in use getLanguage().
String TTS_ENABLED_PLUGINS Space delimited list of plugin packages that are enabled.
String TTS_USE_DEFAULTS This constant was deprecated in API level 14. The value of this setting is no longer respected by the framework text to speech APIs as of the Ice Cream Sandwich release.
String USB_MASS_STORAGE_ENABLED This constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use USB_MASS_STORAGE_ENABLED instead
String USE_GOOGLE_MAIL This constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use USE_GOOGLE_MAIL instead
String WIFI_MAX_DHCP_RETRY_COUNT This constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use WIFI_MAX_DHCP_RETRY_COUNT instead
String WIFI_NUM_OPEN_NETWORKS_KEPT This constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use WIFI_NUM_OPEN_NETWORKS_KEPT instead.
String WIFI_ON This constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use WIFI_ON instead.
String WIFI_WATCHDOG_ACCEPTABLE_PACKET_LOSS_PERCENTAGE This constant was deprecated in API level 14. This setting is not used.
String WIFI_WATCHDOG_AP_COUNT This constant was deprecated in API level 14. This setting is not used.
String WIFI_WATCHDOG_BACKGROUND_CHECK_DELAY_MS This constant was deprecated in API level 14. This setting is not used.
String WIFI_WATCHDOG_BACKGROUND_CHECK_ENABLED This constant was deprecated in API level 14. This setting is not used.
String WIFI_WATCHDOG_BACKGROUND_CHECK_TIMEOUT_MS This constant was deprecated in API level 14. This setting is not used.
String WIFI_WATCHDOG_INITIAL_IGNORED_PING_COUNT This constant was deprecated in API level 14. This setting is not used.
String WIFI_WATCHDOG_MAX_AP_CHECKS This constant was deprecated in API level 14. This setting is not used.
String WIFI_WATCHDOG_ON This constant was deprecated in API level 17. Use WIFI_WATCHDOG_ON instead
String WIFI_WATCHDOG_PING_COUNT This constant was deprecated in API level 14. This setting is not used.
String WIFI_WATCHDOG_PING_DELAY_MS This constant was deprecated in API level 14. This setting is not used.
String WIFI_WATCHDOG_PING_TIMEOUT_MS This constant was deprecated in API level 14. This setting is not used.
String WIFI_WATCHDOG_WATCH_LIST This constant was deprecated in API level 14. This setting is not used.
Inherited Constants
From class android.provider.Settings.NameValueTable
From interface android.provider.BaseColumns
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI The content:// style URL for this table
Public Constructors
Public Methods
static float getFloat(ContentResolver cr, String name, float def)
Convenience function for retrieving a single secure settings value as a floating point number.
static float getFloat(ContentResolver cr, String name)
Convenience function for retrieving a single secure settings value as a float.
static int getInt(ContentResolver cr, String name)
Convenience function for retrieving a single secure settings value as an integer.
static int getInt(ContentResolver cr, String name, int def)
Convenience function for retrieving a single secure settings value as an integer.
static long getLong(ContentResolver cr, String name, long def)
Convenience function for retrieving a single secure settings value as a long.
static long getLong(ContentResolver cr, String name)
Convenience function for retrieving a single secure settings value as a long.
static String getString(ContentResolver resolver, String name)
Look up a name in the database.
static Uri getUriFor(String name)
Construct the content URI for a particular name/value pair, useful for monitoring changes with a ContentObserver.
final static boolean isLocationProviderEnabled(ContentResolver cr, String provider)
This method was deprecated in API level 19. use LOCATION_MODE or isProviderEnabled(String)
static boolean putFloat(ContentResolver cr, String name, float value)
Convenience function for updating a single settings value as a floating point number.
static boolean putInt(ContentResolver cr, String name, int value)
Convenience function for updating a single settings value as an integer.
static boolean putLong(ContentResolver cr, String name, long value)
Convenience function for updating a secure settings value as a long integer.
static boolean putString(ContentResolver resolver, String name, String value)
Store a name/value pair into the database.
final static void setLocationProviderEnabled(ContentResolver cr, String provider, boolean enabled)
This method was deprecated in API level 19. use putInt(ContentResolver, String, int) and LOCATION_MODE
Inherited Methods
From class android.provider.Settings.NameValueTable
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED

Added in API level 4

If accessibility is enabled.

Constant Value: "accessibility_enabled"

public static final String ACCESSIBILITY_SPEAK_PASSWORD

Added in API level 15

Whether to speak passwords while in accessibility mode.

Constant Value: "speak_password"

public static final String ADB_ENABLED

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 17.
Use ADB_ENABLED instead

Constant Value: "adb_enabled"

public static final String ALLOWED_GEOLOCATION_ORIGINS

Added in API level 8

Origins for which browsers should allow geolocation by default. The value is a space-separated list of origins.

Constant Value: "allowed_geolocation_origins"

public static final String ALLOW_MOCK_LOCATION

Added in API level 3

Setting to allow mock locations and location provider status to be injected into the LocationManager service for testing purposes during application development. These locations and status values override actual location and status information generated by network, gps, or other location providers.

Constant Value: "mock_location"

public static final String ANDROID_ID

Added in API level 3

A 64-bit number (as a hex string) that is randomly generated when the user first sets up the device and should remain constant for the lifetime of the user's device. The value may change if a factory reset is performed on the device.

Note: When a device has multiple users (available on certain devices running Android 4.2 or higher), each user appears as a completely separate device, so the ANDROID_ID value is unique to each user.

Constant Value: "android_id"

public static final String BACKGROUND_DATA

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 14.
As of ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH, availability of background data depends on several combined factors. When background data is unavailable, getActiveNetworkInfo() will now appear disconnected.

Whether background data usage is allowed.

Constant Value: "background_data"

public static final String BLUETOOTH_ON

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 17.
Use BLUETOOTH_ON instead

Constant Value: "bluetooth_on"

public static final String DATA_ROAMING

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 17.
Use DATA_ROAMING instead

Constant Value: "data_roaming"

public static final String DEFAULT_INPUT_METHOD

Added in API level 3

Setting to record the input method used by default, holding the ID of the desired method.

Constant Value: "default_input_method"

public static final String DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS_ENABLED

Added in API level 16

This constant was deprecated in API level 17.

Constant Value: "development_settings_enabled"

public static final String DEVICE_PROVISIONED

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 17.

Constant Value: "device_provisioned"


Added in API level 4

List of the enabled accessibility providers.

Constant Value: "enabled_accessibility_services"

public static final String ENABLED_INPUT_METHODS

Added in API level 3

List of input methods that are currently enabled. This is a string containing the IDs of all enabled input methods, each ID separated by ':'.

Constant Value: "enabled_input_methods"

public static final String HTTP_PROXY

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 17.

Host name and port for global http proxy. Uses ':' seperator for between host and port.

Constant Value: "http_proxy"


Added in API level 11

Setting to record the visibility of input method selector

Constant Value: "input_method_selector_visibility"

public static final String INSTALL_NON_MARKET_APPS

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 17.

Constant Value: "install_non_market_apps"

public static final String LOCATION_MODE

Added in API level 19

The degree of location access enabled by the user.

When used with putInt(ContentResolver, String, int), must be one of LOCATION_MODE_HIGH_ACCURACY, LOCATION_MODE_SENSORS_ONLY, LOCATION_MODE_BATTERY_SAVING, or LOCATION_MODE_OFF. When used with getInt(ContentResolver, String), the caller must gracefully handle additional location modes that might be added in the future.

Constant Value: "location_mode"

public static final int LOCATION_MODE_BATTERY_SAVING

Added in API level 19

Reduced power usage, such as limiting the number of GPS updates per hour. Requests with POWER_HIGH may be downgraded to POWER_MEDIUM.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

public static final int LOCATION_MODE_HIGH_ACCURACY

Added in API level 19

Best-effort location computation allowed.

Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)

public static final int LOCATION_MODE_OFF

Added in API level 19

Location access disabled.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final int LOCATION_MODE_SENSORS_ONLY

Added in API level 19

Network Location Provider disabled, but GPS and other sensors enabled.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final String LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 19.

Comma-separated list of location providers that activities may access.

Constant Value: "location_providers_allowed"

public static final String LOCK_PATTERN_ENABLED

Added in API level 8

Whether autolock is enabled (0 = false, 1 = true)

Constant Value: "lock_pattern_autolock"


Added in API level 8

This constant was deprecated in API level 17.
Starting in JELLY_BEAN_MR1 the lockscreen uses HAPTIC_FEEDBACK_ENABLED.

Whether lock pattern will vibrate as user enters (0 = false, 1 = true)

Constant Value: "lock_pattern_tactile_feedback_enabled"

public static final String LOCK_PATTERN_VISIBLE

Added in API level 8

Whether lock pattern is visible as user enters (0 = false, 1 = true)

Constant Value: "lock_pattern_visible_pattern"

public static final String LOGGING_ID

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 3.
This identifier is poorly initialized and has many collisions. It should not be used.

The Logging ID (a unique 64-bit value) as a hex string. Used as a pseudonymous identifier for logging.

Constant Value: "logging_id"

public static final String NETWORK_PREFERENCE

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 17.

Constant Value: "network_preference"

public static final String PARENTAL_CONTROL_ENABLED

Added in API level 3

No longer supported.

Constant Value: "parental_control_enabled"

public static final String PARENTAL_CONTROL_LAST_UPDATE

Added in API level 3

No longer supported.

Constant Value: "parental_control_last_update"

public static final String PARENTAL_CONTROL_REDIRECT_URL

Added in API level 3

No longer supported.

Constant Value: "parental_control_redirect_url"

public static final String SELECTED_INPUT_METHOD_SUBTYPE

Added in API level 11

Setting to record the input method subtype used by default, holding the ID of the desired method.

Constant Value: "selected_input_method_subtype"

public static final String SETTINGS_CLASSNAME

Added in API level 3

Settings classname to launch when Settings is clicked from All Applications. Needed because of user testing between the old and new Settings apps.

Constant Value: "settings_classname"

public static final String SYS_PROP_SETTING_VERSION

Added in API level 3

Constant Value: "sys.settings_secure_version"

public static final String TOUCH_EXPLORATION_ENABLED

Added in API level 14

If touch exploration is enabled.

Constant Value: "touch_exploration_enabled"

public static final String TTS_DEFAULT_COUNTRY

Added in API level 4

This constant was deprecated in API level 14.
this setting is no longer in use, as of the Ice Cream Sandwich release. Apps should never need to read this setting directly, instead can query the TextToSpeech framework classes for the default locale. getLanguage().

Default text-to-speech country.

Constant Value: "tts_default_country"

public static final String TTS_DEFAULT_LANG

Added in API level 4

This constant was deprecated in API level 14.
this setting is no longer in use, as of the Ice Cream Sandwich release. Apps should never need to read this setting directly, instead can query the TextToSpeech framework classes for the default locale. getLanguage().

Default text-to-speech language.

Constant Value: "tts_default_lang"

public static final String TTS_DEFAULT_PITCH

Added in API level 4

Default text-to-speech engine pitch. 100 = 1x

Constant Value: "tts_default_pitch"

public static final String TTS_DEFAULT_RATE

Added in API level 4

Default text-to-speech engine speech rate. 100 = 1x

Constant Value: "tts_default_rate"

public static final String TTS_DEFAULT_SYNTH

Added in API level 4

Default text-to-speech engine.

Constant Value: "tts_default_synth"

public static final String TTS_DEFAULT_VARIANT

Added in API level 4

This constant was deprecated in API level 14.
this setting is no longer in use, as of the Ice Cream Sandwich release. Apps should never need to read this setting directly, instead can query the TextToSpeech framework classes for the locale that is in use getLanguage().

Default text-to-speech locale variant.

Constant Value: "tts_default_variant"

public static final String TTS_ENABLED_PLUGINS

Added in API level 8

Space delimited list of plugin packages that are enabled.

Constant Value: "tts_enabled_plugins"

public static final String TTS_USE_DEFAULTS

Added in API level 4

This constant was deprecated in API level 14.
The value of this setting is no longer respected by the framework text to speech APIs as of the Ice Cream Sandwich release.

Setting to always use the default text-to-speech settings regardless of the application settings. 1 = override application settings, 0 = use application settings (if specified).

Constant Value: "tts_use_defaults"

public static final String USB_MASS_STORAGE_ENABLED

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 17.

Constant Value: "usb_mass_storage_enabled"

public static final String USE_GOOGLE_MAIL

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 17.

Constant Value: "use_google_mail"

public static final String WIFI_MAX_DHCP_RETRY_COUNT

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 17.

Constant Value: "wifi_max_dhcp_retry_count"


Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 17.

Constant Value: "wifi_mobile_data_transition_wakelock_timeout_ms"


Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 17.

Constant Value: "wifi_networks_available_notification_on"


Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 17.

Constant Value: "wifi_networks_available_repeat_delay"

public static final String WIFI_NUM_OPEN_NETWORKS_KEPT

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 17.

Constant Value: "wifi_num_open_networks_kept"

public static final String WIFI_ON

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 17.
Use WIFI_ON instead.

Constant Value: "wifi_on"


Added in API level 3

Thi s constant was deprecated in API level 14.
This setting is not used.

The acceptable packet loss percentage (range 0 - 100) before trying another AP on the same network.

Constant Value: "wifi_watchdog_acceptable_packet_loss_percentage"

public static final String WIFI_WATCHDOG_AP_COUNT

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 14.
This setting is not used.

The number of access points required for a network in order for the watchdog to monitor it.

Constant Value: "wifi_watchdog_ap_count"


Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 14.
This setting is not used.

The delay between background checks.

Constant Value: "wifi_watchdog_background_check_delay_ms"


Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 14.
This setting is not used.

Whether the Wi-Fi watchdog is enabled for background checking even after it thinks the user has connected to a good access point.

Constant Value: "wifi_watchdog_background_check_enabled"


Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 14.
This setting is not used.

The timeout for a background ping

Constant Value: "wifi_watchdog_background_check_timeout_ms"


Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 14.
This setting is not used.

The number of initial pings to perform that *may* be ignored if they fail. Again, if these fail, they will *not* be used in packet loss calculation. For example, one network always seemed to time out for the first couple pings, so this is set to 3 by default.

Constant Value: "wifi_watchdog_initial_ignored_ping_count"

public static final String WIFI_WATCHDOG_MAX_AP_CHECKS

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 14.
This setting is not used.

The maximum number of access points (per network) to attempt to test. If this number is reached, the watchdog will no longer monitor the initial connection state for the network. This is a safeguard for networks containing multiple APs whose DNS does not respond to pings.

Constant Value: "wifi_watchdog_max_ap_checks"

public static final String WIFI_WATCHDOG_ON

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 17.

Constant Value: "wifi_watchdog_on"

public static final String WIFI_WATCHDOG_PING_COUNT

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 14.
This setting is not used.

The number of pings to test if an access point is a good connection.

Constant Value: "wifi_watchdog_ping_count"

public static final String WIFI_WATCHDOG_PING_DELAY_MS

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 14.
This setting is not used.

The delay between pings.

Constant Value: "wifi_watchdog_ping_delay_ms"

public static final String WIFI_WATCHDOG_PING_TIMEOUT_MS

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 14.
This setting is not used.

The timeout per ping.

Constant Value: "wifi_watchdog_ping_timeout_ms"

public static final String WIFI_WATCHDOG_WATCH_LIST

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 14.
This setting is not used.

A comma-separated list of SSIDs for which the Wi-Fi watchdog should be enabled.

Constant Value: "wifi_watchdog_watch_list"


public static final Uri CONTENT_URI

Added in API level 3

The content:// style URL for this table

Public Constructors

public Settings.Secure ()

Added in API level 3

Public Methods

public static float getFloat (ContentResolver cr, String name, float def)

Added in API level 3

Convenience function for retrieving a single secure settings value as a floating point number. Note that internally setting values are always stored as strings; this function converts the string to an float for you. The default value will be returned if the setting is not defined or not a valid float.

cr The ContentResolver to access.
name The name of the setting to retrieve.
def Value to return if the setting is not defined.
  • The setting's current value, or 'def' if it is not defined or not a valid float.

public static float getFloat (ContentResolver cr, String name)

Added in API level 3

Convenience function for retrieving a single secure settings value as a float. Note that internally setting values are always stored as str ings; this function converts the string to a float for you.

This version does not take a default value. If the setting has not been set, or the string value is not a number, it throws Settings.SettingNotFoundException.

cr The ContentResolver to access.
name The name of the setting to retrieve.
  • The setting's current value.
Settings.SettingNotFoundException Thrown if a setting by the given name can't be found or the setting value is not a float.

public static int getInt (ContentResolver cr, String name)

Added in API level 3

Convenience function for retrieving a single secure settings value as an integer. Note that internally setting values are always stored as strings; this function converts the string to an integer for you.

This version does not take a default value. If the setting has not been set, or the string value is not a number, it throws Settings.SettingNotFoundException.

cr The ContentResolver to access.
name The name of the setting to retrieve.
  • The setting's current value.
Settings.SettingNotFoundException Thrown if a setting by the given name can't be found or the setting value is not an integer.

public static int getInt (ContentResolver cr, String name, int def)

Added in API level 3

Convenience function for retrieving a single secure settings value as an integer. Note that internally setting values are always stored as strings; this function converts the string to an integer for you. The default value will be returned if the setting is not defined or not an integer.

cr The ContentResolver to access.
name The name of the setting to retrieve.
def Value to return if the setting is not defined.
  • The setting's current value, or 'def' if it is not defined or not a valid integer.

public static long getLong (ContentResolver cr, String name, long def)

Added in API level 3

Convenience function for retrieving a single secure settings value as a long. Note that internally setting values are always stored as strings; this function converts the string to a long for you. The default value will be returned if the setting is not defined or not a long.

cr The ContentResolver to access.
name The name of the setting to retrieve.
def Value to return if the setting is not defined.
  • The setting's current value, or 'def' if it is not defined or not a valid long.

public static long getLong (ContentResolver cr, String name)

Added in API level 3

Convenience function for retrieving a single secure settings value as a long. Note that internally setting values are always stored as strings; this function converts the string to a long for you.

This version does not take a default value. If the setting has not been set, or the string value is not a number, it throws Settings.SettingNotFoundException.

cr The ContentResolver to access.
name The name of the setting to retrieve.
  • The setting's current value.
Settings.SettingNotFoundException Thrown if a setting by the given name can't be found or the setting value is not an integer.

public static String getString (ContentResolver resolver, String name)

Added in API level 3

Look up a name in the database.

resolver to access the database with
name to look up in the table
  • the corresponding value, or null if not present

public static Uri getUriFor (String name)

Added in API level 3

Construct the content URI for a particular name/value pair, useful for monitoring changes with a ContentObserver.

name to look up in the table
  • the corresponding content URI, or null if not present

public static final boolean isLocationProviderEnabled (ContentResolver cr, String provider)

Added in API level 8

This method was deprecated in API level 19.
use LOCATION_MODE or isProviderEnabled(String)

Helper method for determining if a location provider is enabled.

cr the content resolver to use
provider the location provider to query
  • true if the provider is enabled

public static boolean putFloat (ContentResolver cr, String name, float value)

Added in API level 3

Convenience function for updating a single settings value as a floating point number. This will either create a new entry in the table if the given name does not exist, or modify the value of the existing row with that name. Note that internally setting values are always stored as strings, so this function converts the given value to a string before storing it.

cr The ContentResolver to access.
name The name of the setting to modify.
value The new value for the setting.
  • true if the value was set, false on database errors

public static boolean putInt (ContentResolver cr, String name, int value)

Added in API level 3

Convenience function for updating a single settings value as an integer. This will either create a new entry in the table if the given name does not exist, or modify the value of the existing row with that name. Note that internally setting values are always stored as strings, so this function converts the given value to a string before storing it.

cr The ContentResolver to access.
name The name of the setting to modify.
value The new value for the setting.
  • true if the value was set, false on database errors

public static boolean putLong (ContentResolver cr, String name, long value)

Added in API level 3

Convenience function for updating a secure settings value as a long integer. This will either create a new entry in the table if the given name does not exist, or modify the value of the existing row with that name. Note that internally setting values are always stored as strings, so this function converts the given value to a string before storing it.

cr The ContentResolver to access.
name The name of the setting to modify.
value The new value for the setting.
  • true if the value was set, false on database errors

public static boolean putString (ContentResolver resolver, String name, String value)

Added in API level 3

Store a name/value pair into the database.

resolver to access the database with
name to store
value to associate with the name
  • true if the value was set, false on database errors

public static final void setLocationProviderEnabled (ContentResolver cr, String provider, boolean enabled)

Added in API level 8

This method was deprecated in API level 19.
use putInt(ContentResolver, String, int) and LOCATION_MODE

Thread-safe method for enabling or disabling a single location provider.

cr the content resolver to use
provider the location provider to enable or disable
enabled true if the provider should be enabled