Android APIs
Added in API level 14
protected static interface


Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Columns specific to the Calendars Uri that other Uris can query.


String ALLOWED_ATTENDEE_TYPES A comma separated list of attendee types supported for this calendar in the format "#,#,#".
String ALLOWED_AVAILABILITY A comma separated list of availability types supported for this calendar in the format "#,#,#".
String ALLOWED_REMINDERS A comma separated list of reminder methods supported for this calendar in the format "#,#,#".
String CALENDAR_ACCESS_LEVEL The level of access that the user has for the calendar

Type: INTEGER (one of the values below)

String CALENDAR_COLOR The color of the calendar.
String CALENDAR_COLOR_KEY A key for looking up a color from the CalendarContract.Colors table.
String CALENDAR_DISPLAY_NAME The display name of the calendar.
String CALENDAR_TIME_ZONE The time zone the calendar is associated with.
int CAL_ACCESS_CONTRIBUTOR Full access to modify the calendar, but not the access control settings
int CAL_ACCESS_EDITOR Full access to modify the calendar, but not the access control settings
int CAL_ACCESS_FREEBUSY Can only see free/busy information about the calendar
int CAL_ACCESS_NONE Cannot access the calendar
int CAL_ACCESS_OWNER Full access to the calendar
int CAL_ACCESS_READ Can read all event details
int CAL_ACCESS_RESPOND Can reply yes/no/maybe to an event
int CAL_ACCESS_ROOT Domain admin
String CAN_MODIFY_TIME_ZONE Can th e organizer modify the time zone of the event? Column name.
String CAN_ORGANIZER_RESPOND Can the organizer respond to the event? If no, the status of the organizer should not be shown by the UI.
String IS_PRIMARY Is this the primary calendar for this account.
String MAX_REMINDERS The maximum number of reminders allowed for an event.
String OWNER_ACCOUNT The owner account for this calendar, based on the calendar feed.
String SYNC_EVENTS Is this calendar synced and are its events stored on the device? 0 - Do not sync this calendar or store events for this calendar.
String VISIBLE Is the calendar selected to be displayed? 0 - do not show events associated with this calendar.


public static final String ALLOWED_ATTENDEE_TYPES

Added in API level 15

A comma separated list of attendee types supported for this calendar in the format "#,#,#". Valid types are TYPE_NONE, TYPE_OPTIONAL, TYPE_REQUIRED, TYPE_RESOURCE. Setting this field to only TYPE_NONE should be used to indicate that changing the attendee type is not supported.

Constant Value: "allowedAttendeeTypes"

public static final String ALLOWED_AVAILABILITY

Added in API level 15

A comma separated list of availability types supported for this calendar in the format "#,#,#". Valid types are AVAILABILITY_BUSY, AVAILABILITY_FREE, AVAILABILITY_TENTATIVE. Setting this field to only AVAILABILITY_BUSY should be used to indicate that changing the availability is not supported.

Constant Value: "allowedAvailability"

public static final String ALLOWED_REMINDERS

Added in API level 14

A comma separated list of reminder methods supported for this calendar in the format "#,#,#". Valid types are METHOD_DEFAULT, METHOD_ALERT, METHOD_EMAIL, METHOD_SMS, METHOD_ALARM. Column name.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "allowedReminders"

public static final String CALENDAR_ACCESS_LEVEL

Added in API level 14

The level of access that the user has for the calendar

Type: INTEGER (one of the values below)

Constant Value: "calendar_access_level"

public static final String CALENDAR_COLOR

Added in API level 14

The color of the calendar. This should only be updated by the sync adapter, not other apps, as changing a calendar's color can adversely affect its display.

Type: INTEGER (color value)

Constant Value: "calendar_color"

public static final String CALENDAR_COLOR_KEY

Added in API level 15

A key for looking up a color from the CalendarContract.Colors table. NULL or an empty string are reserved for indicating that the calendar does not use a key for looking up the color. The provider will update CALENDAR_COLOR automatically when a valid key is written to this column. The key must reference an existing row of the CalendarContract.Colors table. @see Colors

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "calendar_color_index"

public static final String CALENDAR_DISPLAY_NAME

Added in API level 14

The display name of the calendar. Column name.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "calendar_displayName"

public static final String CALENDAR_TIME_ZONE

Added in API level 14

The time zone the calendar is associated with.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "calendar_timezone"

public static final int CAL_ACCESS_CONTRIBUTOR

Added in API level 14

Full access to modify the calendar, but not the access control settings

Constant Value: 500 (0x000001f4)

public static final int CAL_ACCESS_EDITOR

Added in API level 14

Full access to modify the calendar, but not the access control settings

Constant Value: 600 (0x00000258)

public static final int CAL_ACCESS_FREEBUSY

Added in API level 14

Can only see free/busy information about the calendar

Constant Value: 100 (0x00000064)

public static final int CAL_ACCESS_NONE

Added in API level 14

Cannot access the calendar

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final int CAL_ACCESS_OVERRIDE

Added in API level 14

not used

Constant Value: 400 (0x00000190)

public static final int CAL_ACCESS_OWNER

Added in API level 14

Full access to the calendar

Constant Value: 700 (0x000002bc)

public static final int CAL_ACCESS_READ

Added in API level 14

Can read all event details

Constant Value: 200 (0x000000c8)

public static final int CAL_ACCESS_RESPOND

Added in API level 14

Can reply yes/no/maybe to an event

Constant Value: 300 (0x0000012c)

public static final int CAL_ACCESS_ROOT

Added in API level 14

Domain admin

Constant Value: 800 (0x00000320)

public static final String CAN_MODIFY_TIME_ZONE

Added in API level 14

Can the organizer modify the time zone of the event? Column name.

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Constant Value: "canModifyTimeZone"

public static final String CAN_ORGANIZER_RESPOND

Added in API level 14

Can the organizer respond to the event? If no, the status of the organizer should not be shown by the UI. Defaults to 1. Column name.

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Constant Value: "canOrganizerRespond"

public static final String IS_PRIMARY

Added in API level 17

Is this the primary calendar for this account. If this column is not explicitly set, the provider will return 1 if ACCOUNT_NAME is equal to OWNER_ACCOUNT.

Constant Value: "isPrimary"

public static final String MAX_REMINDERS

Added in API level 14

The maximum number of reminders allowed for an event. Column name.


Constant Value: "maxReminders"

public static final String OWNER_ACCOUNT

Added in API level 14

The owner account for this calendar, based on the calendar feed. This will be different from the _SYNC_ACCOUNT for delegated calendars. Column name.

Type: String

Constant Value: "ownerAccount"

public static final String SYNC_EVENTS

Added in API level 14

Is this calendar synced and are its events stored on the device? 0 - Do not sync this calendar or store events for this calendar. 1 - Sync down events for this calendar.

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Constant Value: "sync_events"

public static final String VISIBLE

Added in API level 14

Is the calendar selected to be displayed? 0 - do not show events associated with this calendar. 1 - show events associated with this calendar

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Constant Value: "visible"