Collection<E> | Collection is the root of the collection hierarchy. |
Comparator<T> | A Comparator is used to compare two objects to determine their ordering with
respect to each other. |
Deque<E> | A linear collection that supports element insertion and removal at both ends. |
Enumeration<E> | A legacy iteration interface. |
EventListener | EventListener is the superclass of all event listener interfaces. |
Formattable | Classes that handle custom formatting for the 's' specifier of Formatter
should implement the Formattable interface. |
Iterator<E> | An iterator over a sequence of objects, such as a collection. |
List<E> | A List is a collection which maintains an ordering for its elements. |
ListIterator<E> | An ListIterator is used to sequence over a List of objects. |
Map<K, V> | A Map is a data structure consisting of a set of keys and values
in which each key is mapped to a single value. |
Map.Entry<K, V> | Map.Entry is a key/value mapping contained in a Map . |
NavigableMap<K, V> | A SortedMap extended with navigation methods returning the
closest matches for given search targets. |
NavigableSet<E> | A SortedSet extended with navigation methods reporting
closest matches for given search targets. |
Observer | Observer is the interface to be implemented by objects that
receive notification of updates on an Observable object. |
Queue<E> | A collection designed for holding elements prior to processing. |
RandomAccess | RandomAccess is implemented by List
implementations that support fast
(usually constant time) random access. |
Set<E> | A Set is a data structure which does not allow duplicate elements. |
SortedMap<K, V> | A map that has its keys ordered. |
SortedSet<E> | SortedSet is a Set which iterates over its elements in a sorted order. |
AbstractCollection<E> | Class AbstractCollection is an abstract implementation of the Collection interface. |
AbstractList<E> | AbstractList is an abstract implementation of the List interface, optimized
for a backing store which supports random access. |
AbstractMap<K, V> | A base class for Map implementations. |
AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<K, V> | A key-value mapping with mutable values. |
AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<K, V> | An immutable key-value mapping. |
AbstractQueue<E> | This class provides skeletal implementations of some Queue
operations. |
AbstractSequentialList<E> | AbstractSequentialList is an abstract implementation of the List interface. |
AbstractSet<E> | An AbstractSet is an abstract implementation of the Set interface. |
ArrayDeque<E> | Resizable-array implementation of the Deque interface. |
ArrayList<E> | ArrayList is an implementation of List , backed by an array. |
Arrays | Arrays contains static methods which operate on arrays. |
BitSet | The BitSet class implements a
bit array. |
Calendar | Calendar is an abstract base class for converting between a
Date object and a set of integer fields such as
HOUR , and so on. |
Collections | Collections contains static methods which operate on
Collection classes. |
Currency | A currency corresponding to an ISO 4217 currency code such as "EUR" or "USD". |
Date | A specific moment in time, with millisecond precision. |
Dictionary<K, V> | Note: Do not use this class since it is obsolete. |
EnumMap<K extends Enum<K>, V> | An Map specialized for use with Enum types as keys. |
EnumSet<E extends Enum<E>> | An EnumSet is a specialized Set to be used with enums as keys. |
EventListenerProxy | This abstract class provides a simple wrapper for objects of type EventListener . |
EventObject | EventObject s represent events. |
FormattableFlags | FormattableFlags are used as a parameter to
formatTo(Formatter, int, int, int) and change the output
format in Formattable s. |
Formatter | Formats arguments according to a format string (like printf in C). |
GregorianCalendar | GregorianCalendar is a concrete subclass of Calendar
and provides the standard calendar used by most of the world. |
HashMap<K, V> | HashMap is an implementation of Map . |
HashSet<E> | HashSet is an implementation of a Set. |
Hashtable<K, V> | Hashtable is a synchronized implementation of Map . |
IdentityHashMap<K, V> | IdentityHashMap is a variant on HashMap which tests equality by reference instead of equality by value. |
LinkedHashMap<K, V> | LinkedHashMap is an implementation of Map that guarantees iteration order. |
LinkedHashSet<E> | LinkedHashSet is a variant of HashSet. |
LinkedList<E> | LinkedList is an implementation of List , backed by a doubly-linked list. |
ListResourceBundle | ListResourceBundle is the abstract superclass of classes which provide
resources by implementing the getContents() method to return
the list of resources. |
Locale | Locale represents a language/country/variant combination. |
Objects | Utility methods for objects. |
Observable | Observable is used to notify a group of Observer objects when a change occurs. |
PriorityQueue<E> | A PriorityQueue holds elements on a priority heap, which orders the elements according to their natural order or according to the comparator specified at construction time. |
Properties | A Properties object is a Hashtable where the keys and values
must be String s. |
PropertyPermission | Legacy security code; do not use. |
PropertyResourceBundle | PropertyResourceBundle loads resources from an InputStream . |
Random | This class provides methods that return pseudo-random values. |
ResourceBundle | ResourceBundle is an abstract class which is the superclass of classes which
provide Locale -specific resources. |
ResourceBundle.Control | ResourceBundle.Control is a static utility class defines ResourceBundle load access methods, its default access order is as the same as before. |
Scanner | A parser that parses a text string of primitive types and strings with the help of regular expressions. |
ServiceLoader<S> | A service-provider loader. |
SimpleTimeZone | SimpleTimeZone is a concrete subclass of TimeZone
that represents a time zone for use with a Gregorian calendar. |
Stack<E> | Stack is a Last-In/First-Out(LIFO) data structure which represents a
stack of objects. |
StringTokenizer | Breaks a string into tokens; new code should probably use split(String) . |
Timer | Timers schedule one-shot or recurring tasks for execution. |
TimerTask | The TimerTask class represents a task to run at a specified time. |
TimeZone | TimeZone represents a time zone, primarily used for configuring a Calendar or
SimpleDateFormat instance. |
TreeMap<K, V> | A map whose entries are sorted by their keys. |
TreeSet<E> | TreeSet is an implementation of SortedSet. |
UUID | UUID is an immutable representation of a 128-bit universally unique identifier (UUID). |
Vector<E> | Vector is an implementation of List , backed by an array and synchronized. |
WeakHashMap<K, V> | WeakHashMap is an implementation of Map with keys which are WeakReferences. |
Formatter.BigDecimalLayoutForm | The enumeration giving the available styles for formatting very large decimal numbers. |
ConcurrentModificationException | An ConcurrentModificationException is thrown when a Collection is
modified and an existing iterator on the Collection is used to modify the
Collection as well. |
DuplicateFormatFlagsException | The unchecked exception will be thrown out if there are duplicate flags given out in the format specifier. |
EmptyStackException | An EmptyStackException is thrown if the pop/peek method of a stack is
executed on an empty stack. |
FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException | A FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException will be thrown if a
conversion and the flags are incompatible. |
FormatterClosedException | A FormatterClosedException will be thrown if the formatter has been
closed. |
IllegalFormatCodePointException | An IllegalFormatCodePointException will be thrown if an invalid
Unicode code point (defined by isValidCodePoint(int) ) is
passed as a parameter to a Formatter. |
IllegalFormatConversionException | An IllegalFormatConversionException will be thrown when the parameter
is incompatible with the corresponding format specifier. |
IllegalFormatException | An IllegalFormatException is thrown when a format string that
contains either an illegal syntax or format specifier is transferred as a
parameter. |
IllegalFormatFlagsException | An IllegalFormatFlagsException will be thrown if the combination of
the format flags is illegal. |
IllegalFormatPrecisionException | An IllegalFormatPrecisionException will be thrown if the precision is
a negative other than -1 or in other cases where precision is not supported. |
IllegalFormatWidthException | An IllegalFormatWidthException will be thrown if the width is a
negative value other than -1 or in other cases where a width is not
supported. |
InputMismatchException | An InputMismatchException is thrown by a scanner to indicate that the
next token does not match or is out of range for the type specified in the
pattern. |
InvalidPropertiesFormatException | An InvalidPropertiesFormatException is thrown if loading the XML
document defining the properties does not follow the Properties
specification. |
MissingFormatArgumentException | A MissingFormatArgumentException will be thrown if there is no
corresponding argument with the specified conversion or an argument index
that refers to a missing argument. |
MissingFormatWidthException | A MissingFormatWidthException will be thrown if the format width is
missing but is required. |
MissingResourceException | A MissingResourceException is thrown by ResourceBundle when a
resource bundle cannot be found or a resource is missing from a resource
bundle. |
NoSuchElementException | Thrown when trying to retrieve an element past the end of an Enumeration or Iterator. |
TooManyListenersException | A TooManyListenersException is thrown when an attempt is made to add
more than one listener to an event source which only supports a single
listener. |
UnknownFormatConversionException | An UnknownFormatConversionException will be thrown if the format
conversion is unknown. |
UnknownFormatFlagsException | An UnknownFormatFlagsException will be thrown if there is
an unknown flag. |
ServiceConfigurationError | Thrown when a service provider can't be loaded by ServiceLoader . |