Android APIs
public static final class


extends Object
   ↳ android.provider.Contacts.Intents

This class was deprecated in API level 5.
see ContactsContract

Class Overview

Contains helper classes used to create or manage Intents that involve contacts.


Nested Classes
class Contacts.Intents.Insert This class was deprecated in API level 5. see ContactsContract  
class Contacts.Intents.UI This class was deprecated in API level 5. see ContactsContract  
String ATTACH_IMAGE This constant was deprecated in API level 5. see ContactsContract
String EXTRA_CREATE_DESCRIPTION This constant was deprecated in API level 5. see ContactsContract
String EXTRA_FORCE_CREATE This constant was deprecated in API level 5. see ContactsContract
String SEARCH_SUGGESTION_CLICKED This constant was deprecated in API level 5. see ContactsContract
String SEARCH_SUGGESTION_CREATE_CONTACT_CLICKED This constant was deprecated in API level 5. see ContactsContract
String SEARCH_SUGGESTION_DIAL_NUMBER_CLICKED This constant was deprecated in API level 5. see ContactsContract
String SHOW_OR_CREATE_CONTACT This constant was deprecated in API level 5. see ContactsContract
Public Constructors
This constructor was deprecated in API level 5. see ContactsContract
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String ATTACH_IMAGE

Added in API level 1

This constant was deprecated in API level 5.
see ContactsContract

Starts an Activity that lets the user pick a contact to attach an image to. After picking the contact it launches the image cropper in face detection mode.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String EXTRA_CREATE_DESCRIPTION

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 5.
see ContactsContract

Used with SHOW_OR_CREATE_CONTACT to specify an exact description to be shown when prompting user about creating a new contact.


Constant Value: ""

public static final String EXTRA_FORCE_CREATE

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 5.
see ContactsContract

Used with SHOW_OR_CREATE_CONTACT to force creating a new contact if no matching contact found. Otherwise, default behavior is to prompt user with dialog before creating.


Constant Value: ""

public static final String SEARCH_SUGGESTION_CLICKED

Added in API level 1

This constant was deprecated in API level 5.
see ContactsContract

This is the intent that is fired when a search suggestion is clicked on.

Constant Value: "android.provider.Contacts.SEARCH_SUGGESTION_CLICKED"


Added in API level 1

This constant was deprecated in API level 5.
see ContactsContract

This is the intent that is fired when a search suggestion for creating a contact is clicked on.

Constant Value: "android.provider.Contacts.SEARCH_SUGGESTION_CREATE_CONTACT_CLICKED"


Added in API level 1

This constant was deprecated in API level 5.
see ContactsContract

This is the intent that is fired when a search suggestion for dialing a number is clicked on.

Constant Value: "android.provider.Contacts.SEARCH_SUGGESTION_DIAL_NUMBER_CLICKED"

public static final String SHOW_OR_CREATE_CONTACT

Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 5.
see ContactsContract

Takes as input a data URI with a mailto: or tel: scheme. If a single contact exists with the given data it will be shown. If no contact exists, a dialog will ask the user if they want to create a new contact with the provided details filled in. If multiple contacts share the data the user will be prompted to pick which contact they want to view.

For mailto: URIs, the scheme specific portion must be a raw email address, such as one built using fromParts(String, String, String).

For tel: URIs, the scheme specific portion is compared to existing numbers using the standard caller ID lookup algorithm. The number must be properly encoded, for example using fromParts(String, String, String).

Any extras from the Contacts.Intents.Insert class will be passed along to the create activity if there are no contacts to show.

Passing true for the EXTRA_FORCE_CREATE extra will skip prompting the user when the contact doesn't exist.

Constant Value: ""

Public Constructors

public Contacts.Intents ()

Added in API level 1

This constructor was deprecated in API level 5.
see ContactsContract