Android APIs
public class


extends Object

Class Overview

Class that answers queries about the state of network connectivity. It also notifies applications when network connectivity changes. Get an instance of this class by calling Context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE).

The primary responsibilities of this class are to:

  1. Monitor network connections (Wi-Fi, GPRS, UMTS, etc.)
  2. Send broadcast intents when network connectivity changes
  3. Attempt to "fail over" to another network when connectivity to a network is lost
  4. Provide an API that allows applications to query the coarse-grained or fine-grained state of the available networks


String ACTION_BACKGROUND_DATA_SETTING_CHANGED This constant was deprecated in API level 16. As of ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH, availability of background data depends on several combined factors, and this broadcast is no longer sent. Instead, when background data is unavailable, getActiveNetworkInfo() will now appear disconnected. During first boot after a platform upgrade, this broadcast will be sent once if getBackgroundDataSetting() was false before the upgrade.
String CONNECTIVITY_ACTION A change in network connectivity has occurred.
int DEFAULT_NETWORK_PREFERENCE This constant was deprecated in API level 18. Since we support so many more networks now, the single network default network preference can't really express the hierarchy. Instead, the default is defined by the networkAttributes in config.xml. You can determine the current value by calling getNetworkPreference() from an App.
String EXTRA_EXTRA_INFO The lookup key for a string that provides optionally supplied extra information about the network state.
String EXTRA_IS_FAILOVER The lookup key for a boolean that indicates whether a connect event is for a network to which the connectivity manager was failing over following a disconnect on another network.
String EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO This constant was deprecated in API level 14. Since NetworkInfo can vary based on UID, applications should always obtain network information through getActiveNetworkInfo() or getAllNetworkInfo().
String EXTRA_NETWORK_TYPE Network type which triggered a CONNECTIVITY_ACTION broadcast.
String EXTRA_NO_CONNECTIVITY The lookup key for a boolean that indicates whether there is a complete lack of connectivity, i.e., no network is available.
String EXTRA_OTHER_NETWORK_INFO The lookup key for a NetworkInfo object.
String EXTRA_REASON The lookup key for a string that indicates why an attempt to connect to a network failed.
int TYPE_BLUETOOTH The Bluetooth data connection.
int TYPE_DUMMY Dummy data connection.
int TYPE_ETHERNET The Ethernet data connection.
int TYPE_MOBILE The Mobile data connection.
int TYPE_MOBILE_DUN A DUN-specific Mobile data connection.
int TYPE_MOBILE_HIPRI A High Priority Mobile data connection.
int TYPE_MOBILE_MMS An MMS-specific Mobile data connection.
int TYPE_MOBILE_SUPL A SUPL-specific Mobile data connection.
int TYPE_WIFI The WIFI data connection.
int TYPE_WIMAX The WiMAX data connection.
Public Methods
NetworkInfo getActiveNetworkInfo()
Returns details about the currently active default data network.
NetworkInfo[] getAllNetworkInfo()
Returns connection status information about all network types supported by the device.
boolean getBackgroundDataSetting()
This method was deprecated in API level 14. As of ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH, availability of background data depends on several combined factors, and this method will always return true. Instead, when background data is unavailable, getActiveNetworkInfo() will now appear disconnected.
NetworkInfo getNetworkInfo(int networkType)
Returns connection status information about a particular network type.
int getNetworkPreference()
Retrieves the current preferred network type.
boolean isActiveNetworkMetered()
Returns if the currently active data network is metered.
static boolean isNetworkTypeValid(int networkType)
Tests if a given integer represents a valid network type.
boolean requestRouteToHost(int networkType, int hostAddress)
Ensure that a network route exists to deliver traffic to the specified host via the specified network interface.
void setNetworkPreference(int preference)
Specifies the preferred network type.
int startUsingNetworkFeature(int networkType, String feature)
Tells the underlying networking system that the caller wants to begin using the named feature.
int stopUsingNetworkFeature(int networkType, String feature)
Tells the underlying networking system that the caller is finished using the named feature.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object



Added in API level 3

This constant was deprecated in API level 16.
As of ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH, availability of background data depends on several combined factors, and this broadcast is no longer sent. Instead, when background data is unavailable, getActiveNetworkInfo() will now appear disconnected. During first boot after a platform upgrade, this broadcast will be sent once if getBackgroundDataSetting() was false before the upgrade.

Broadcast Action: The setting for background data usage has changed values. Use getBackgroundDataSetting() to get the current value.

If an application uses the network in the background, it should listen for this broadcast and stop using the background data if the value is false.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String CONNECTIVITY_ACTION

Added in API level 1

A change in network connectivity has occurred. A connection has either been established or lost. The NetworkInfo for the affected network is sent as an extra; it should be consulted to see what kind of connectivity event occurred.

If this is a connection that was the result of failing over from a disconnected network, then the FAILOVER_CONNECTION boolean extra is set to true.

For a loss of connectivity, if the connectivity manager is attempting to connect (or has already connected) to another network, the NetworkInfo for the new network is also passed as an extra. This lets any receivers of the broadcast know that they should not necessarily tell the user that no data traffic will be possible. Instead, the receiver should expect another broadcast soon, indicating either that the failover attempt succeeded (and so there is still overall data connectivity), or that the failover attempt failed, meaning that all connectivity has been lost.

For a disconnect event, the boolean extra EXTRA_NO_CONNECTIVITY is set to true if there are no connected networks at all.

Constant Value: ""

public static final int DEFAULT_NETWORK_PREFERENCE

Added in API level 1

This constant was deprecated in API level 18.
Since we support so many more networks now, the single network default network preference can't really express the hierarchy. Instead, the default is defined by the networkAttributes in config.xml. You can determine the current value by calling getNetworkPreference() from an App.

If you want to set the default network preference,you can directly change the networkAttributes array in framework's config.xml.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final String EXTRA_EXTRA_INFO

Added in API level 1

The lookup key for a string that provides optionally supplied extra information about the network state. The information may be passed up from the lower networking layers, and its meaning may be specific to a particular network type. Retrieve it with getStringExtra(String).

Constant Value: "extraInfo"

public static final String EXTRA_IS_FAILOVER

Added in API level 1

The lookup key for a boolean that indicates whether a connect event is for a network to which the connectivity manager was failing over following a disconnect on another network. Retrieve it with getBooleanExtra(String, boolean).

Constant Value: "isFailover"

public static final String EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO

Added in API level 1

This constant was deprecated in API level 14.
Since NetworkInfo can vary based on UID, applications should always obtain network information through getActiveNetworkInfo() or getAllNetworkInfo().

The lookup key for a NetworkInfo object. Retrieve with getParcelableExtra(String).

Constant Value: "networkInfo"

public static final String EXTRA_NETWORK_TYPE

Added in API level 17

Network type which triggered a CONNECTIVITY_ACTION broadcast. Can be used with getNetworkInfo(int) to get NetworkInfo state based on the calling application.

Constant Value: "networkType"

public static final String EXTRA_NO_CONNECTIVITY

Added in API level 1

The lookup key for a boolean that indicates whether there is a complete lack of connectivity, i.e., no network is available. Retrieve it with getBooleanExtra(String, boolean).

Constant Value: "noConnectivity"

public static final String EXTRA_OTHER_NETWORK_INFO

Added in API level 1

The lookup key for a NetworkInfo object. This is supplied when there is another network that it may be possible to connect to. Retrieve with getParcelableExtra(String).

Constant Value: "otherNetwork"

public static final String EXTRA_REASON

Added in API level 1

The lookup key for a string that indicates why an attempt to connect to a network failed. The string has no particular structure. It is intended to be used in notifications presented to users. Retrieve it with getStringExtra(String).

Constant Value: "reason"

public static final int TYPE_BLUETOOTH

Added in API level 13

The Bluetooth data connection. When active, all data traffic will use this network type's interface by default (it has a default route).

Constant Value: 7 (0x00000007)

public static final int TYPE_DUMMY

Added in API level 14

Dummy data connection. This should not be used on shipping devices.

Constant Value: 8 (0x00000008)

public static final int TYPE_ETHERNET

Added in API level 13

The Ethernet data connection. When active, all data traffic will use this network type's interface by default (it has a default route).

Constant Value: 9 (0x00000009)

public static final int TYPE_MOBILE

Added in API level 1

The Mobile data connection. When active, all data traffic will use this network type's interface by default (it has a default route)

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final int TYPE_MOBILE_DUN

Added in API level 8

A DUN-specific Mobile data connection. This network type may use the same network interface as TYPE_MOBILE or it may use a different one. This is sometimes by the system when setting up an upstream connection for tethering so that the carrier is aware of DUN traffic.

Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)

public static final int TYPE_MOBILE_HIPRI

Added in API level 8

A High Priority Mobile data connection. This network type uses the same network interface as TYPE_MOBILE but the routing setup is different. Only requesting processes will have access to the Mobile DNS servers and only IP's explicitly requested via requestRouteToHost(int, int) will route over this interface if no default route exists.

Constant Value: 5 (0x00000005)

public static final int TYPE_MOBILE_MMS

Added in API level 8

An MMS-specific Mobile data connection. This network type may use the same network interface as TYPE_MOBILE or it may use a different one. This is used by applications needing to talk to the carrier's Multimedia Messaging Service servers.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

public static final int TYPE_MOBILE_SUPL

Added in API level 8

A SUPL-specific Mobile data connection. This network type may use the same network interface as TYPE_MOBILE or it may use a different one. This is used by applications needing to talk to the carrier's Secure User Plane Location servers for help locating the device.

Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)

public static final int TYPE_WIFI

Added in API level 1

The WIFI data connection. When active, all data traffic will use this network type's interface by default (it has a default route).

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int TYPE_WIMAX

Added in API level 8

The WiMAX data connection. When active, all data traffic will use this network type's interface by default (it has a default route).

Constant Value: 6 (0x00000006)

Public Methods

public NetworkInfo getActiveNetworkInfo ()

Added in API level 1

Returns details about the currently active default data network. When connected, this network is the default route for outgoing connections. You should always check isConnected() before initiating network traffic. This may return null when there is no default network.

  • a NetworkInfo object for the current default network or null if no network default network is currently active

    This method requires the call to hold the permission ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE.

public NetworkInfo[] getAllNetworkInfo ()

Added in API level 1

Returns connection status information about all network types supported by the device.


public boolean getBackgroundDataSetting ()

Added in API level 3

This method was deprecated in API level 14.
As of ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH, availability of background data depends on several combined factors, and this method will always return true. Instead, when background data is unavailable, getActiveNetworkInfo() will now appear disconnected.

Returns the value of the setting for background data usage. If false, applications should not use the network if the application is not in the foreground. Developers should respect this setting, and check the value of this before performing any background data operations.

All applications that have background services that use the network should listen to ACTION_BACKGROUND_DATA_SETTING_CHANGED.

  • Whether background data usage is allowed.

public NetworkInfo getNetworkInfo (int networkType)

Added in API level 1

Returns connection status information about a particular network type.

networkType integer specifying which networkType in which you're interested.
  • a NetworkInfo object for the requested network type or null if the type is not supported by the device.

    This method requires the call to hold the permission ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE.

public int getNetworkPreference ()

Added in API level 1

Retrieves the current preferred network type. Note that this made sense when we only had 2 network types, but with more and more default networks we need an array to list their ordering. This will be deprecated soon.

  • an integer representing the preferred network type

    This method requires the caller to hold the permission ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE.

public boolean isActiveNetworkMetered ()

Added in API level 16

Returns if the currently active data network is metered. A network is classified as metered when the user is sensitive to heavy data usage on that connection due to monetary costs, data limitations or battery/performance issues. You should check this before doing large data transfers, and warn the user or delay the operation until another network is available.

  • true if large transfers should be avoided, otherwise false.

    This method requires the call to hold the permission ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE.

public static boolean isNetworkTypeValid (int networkType)

Added in API level 1

Tests if a given integer represents a valid network type.

networkType the type to be tested
  • a boolean. true if the type is valid, else false

public boolean requestRouteToHost (int networkType, int hostAddress)

Added in API level 1

Ensure that a network route exists to deliver traffic to the specified host via the specified network interface. An attempt to add a route that already exists is ignored, but treated as successful.

This method requires the caller to hold the permission CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE.

networkType the type of the network over which traffic to the specified host is to be routed
hostAddress the IP address of the host to which the route is desired
  • true on success, false on failure

public void setNetworkPreference (int preference)

Added in API level 1

Specifies the preferred network type. When the device has more than one type available the preferred network type will be used. Note that this made sense when we only had 2 network types, but with more and more default networks we need an array to list their ordering. This will be deprecated soon.

preference the network type to prefer over all others. It is unspecified what happens to the old preferred network in the overall ordering.

public int startUsingNetworkFeature (int networkType, String feature)

Added in API level 1

Tells the underlying networking system that the caller wants to begin using the named feature. The interpretation of feature is completely up to each networking implementation.

This method requires the caller to hold the permission CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE.

networkType specifies which network the request pertains to
feature the name of the feature to be used
  • an integer value representing the outcome of the request. The interpretation of this value is specific to each networking implementation+feature combination, except that the value -1 always indicates failure.

public int stopUsingNetworkFeature (int networkType, String feature)

Added in API level 1

Tells the underlying networking system that the caller is finished using the named feature. The interpretation of feature is completely up to each networking implementation.

This method requires the caller to hold the permission CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE.

networkType specifies which network the request pertains to
feature the name of the feature that is no longer needed
  • an integer value representing the outcome of the request. The interpretation of this value is specific to each networking implementation+feature combination, except that the value -1 always indicates failure.