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Section 7 Grading Criteria and Options

Graded Elements of the Course.


Percentage of Grade

Lecture Notes








Midterm Exam


Final Exam


Course Grading Scale.

Grade (Letter Grade, Point Range)

Grading Criteria

Exemplary (A, 3.3-4 points)

  • Your mathematical work is correct,

  • you are documenting your work correctly, and

  • you are completing all your required assignments.

Accomplished (B, 2.5-3.2 points)

  • Your mathematical work is mostly correct,

  • you are documenting your work so that I can understand it, and

  • you are completing most of your required assignments.

Developing (C, 1.5-2.4 points)

  • Your mathematical work is developing,

  • you are documenting your work some, and

  • you are completing half of your required assignments.

Beginning (D, 0.7-1.4 points)

  • Your mathematical work is beginning,

  • you are documenting your work a little, and

  • you are completing some of your required assignments.

No evidence (yet) (F, 0-0.7 points)

  • Your mathematical work has not yet begun,

  • your mathematical work does not fit the context, and

  • you have not (yet) submitted any of your required assignments.

Documentation Requirements.

Because communication is an integral part of mathematics, the PCC Mathematics Departments have certain requirements for how work should be written. You should read and become familiar with the MTH 95 Notation Standards, as they will help you earn full credit on your assignments. Additionally, each Module's videos will demonstrate proper documentation related to that week's material.

If you ever have questions about appropriate documentation, please send me an email or post an Open Q & A discussion posting.

Grading Options and Deadlines.

You are solely responsible for adding, dropping, or withdrawing from any class, as well as for selecting your desired grading option. Please review PCC Registration Policy for more information

The following are the different grading options that are available to you for this course. For more information, please go to the PCC Grading Guidelines.

Please note that all of these options have different deadlines. All specific deadlines can be found by clicking on the 'See your drop and withdraw deadlines' link under in the Term-to-Term Checklist section of the MyPCC Home tab.

Audit (AUD) Deadline:

If you would like to audit the course, you must discuss this with me, obtain my approval, and we must complete the process with the Registration office by 4:00 PM on the first Friday of the Term. You can view course specific deadlines from the MyPCC Home tab, 'See your drop and withdraw deadlines' link.

General Drop Deadline:

If you would like to drop the course, you must officially drop the course using MyPCC by Saturday of the first week of the term. Students can view course specific deadlines from the MyPCC Home tab, 'See your drop and withdraw deadlines' link.

Withdrawal (W) Deadline:

If you decide to withdraw from the class, you must officially withdraw using MyPCC within the first 80% of the course. Students can view course specific deadlines from the MyPCC Home tab, 'See your drop and withdraw deadlines' link.

Pass/No Pass (P/NP) Deadline:

If you would like your grade for the class to be assigned using the Pass/No Pass system, you must change your grading option through MyPCC within the first 80% of the course. Students can view course specific deadlines from the MyPCC Home tab, 'See your drop and withdraw deadlines' link.