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Section 8 Course Elements

Video Lecture Notes.

Just like in a face-to-face lecture, taking notes on the video lectures helps students both comprehend and retain the information they’re learning. Each section has lecture notes that accompany the YouTube video lectures. Print these and fill them in as you watch the videos. The completed lecture notes will need to be brought to each exam to be checked for completeness.


This free online homework system will allow for practice with the concepts and types of problems that require proficiency to be successful in the course. For each module you will need to log in to WeBWorK and complete the sets of exercises. WeBWorK will automatically grade your work and you will have the opportunity to rework any exercises that you have not completed correctly. For detailed information, see the WeBWorK section of this syllabus.

Discussion Postings.

Most of the discussion posts are designed for you to think about the material covered for the week in more detail and explain concepts in writing. Explaining concepts to your classmates can be very helpful in deepening your understanding of the material and will support you in remembering the new concepts.

Most weeks will have one discussion posting to complete. These discussions are set up so that you must make an initial posting before you can see the postings of others. If you post before Saturday, you will have time to make changes to improve your score if needed because you will be able to learn from your classmates and their posts. If you post on Sunday, that won't be an option. So as you read the posts of others, feel free to reply to your own post fixing any mistakes. This can save time and improve your score. In order to receive full credit, you need to reply to at least one other posting, I encourage you to do so either with praise or with questions. You will find more details in each discussion post. Make sure you are respectful to your classmates at all times.

I will usually just give you this space to discuss with each other. However, I will answer questions as they come up. You can also use our Q&A discussion forum to post your questions.


There will be ten Quizzes. However, for each quiz there will be a practice quiz first. The practice quiz is called the "Quiz 1 Highest Score 10-1 10-2 10-3", for instance, and you can take it as often as you like and your highest score will be recorded.

After you feel comfortable with the problems, you will take the "Quiz 1 One Chance 10-1 10-2 10-3" in this example. For that quiz to count, you will need to write all your solutions out. A link to the worksheet is provided in each assignment. If you don't have a printer, you are welcome to write on your own paper. However, use the worksheet as a guide because it gives you additional instructions and questions, especially starting with Quiz 3. After you are done, you will scan your written work into one pdf file and upload it to the corresponding assignment.

The assignment where you will upload each One Chance Quiz will clearly state for which problems you may use technology. Each problem on the worksheet also states clearly whether or not you can use technology to solve the problem.

Think of it as a knowledge check that allows me to give you feedback on your work, including notation and overall presentation. It is important that you receive this feedback before taking the exams. The written work of your One Chance Quizzes will be returned to the same Assignments folder. See the Course Calendar for the weeks that quizzes will be assigned. They are always due at 11:59 pm on Sundays.

You find both quizzes each week in WeBWorK. Scroll all the way to the bottom of your assignment list. You can start a Highest Score Quiz as often as you like. However, the One Chance Quiz you can only start once. After starting a quiz, you will have 90 minutes to complete it.

You will find that the problems on the One Chance Quiz are a little more challenging. However, since you will be submitting your written work, I will be able to give you ample partial credit. I am interested in seeing how you think and approach the problems. So make sure you explain well what led you to your answer in order to maximize your points.

Proctored Exams.

The exams are designed to measure competency with material and make sure that you have fluent understanding of the fundamental concepts of the course. There are two required exams (one Midterm Exam and the Final Exam) during the term.

Midterm Exam

  • Midterm Exam will be held online on Friday, February 11, 2022 from 6:00pm-8:30pm. Please email me if you would like to take it on a different day or at a different time.

  • This exam will cover Module 1 - Module 4. Module 5 will contain review materials for you to study from in the week prior to the exam.

  • Once graded, your exam score and graded exam will be posted in D2L.

  • You will find your Midterm Exam on WeBWorK at the bottom of your assignment list. Just like the One Chance Quizzes, you can only start it once. Once you start it, you will have 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete it.

  • You also will have a worksheet available with additional instructions and questions, just like on the quizzes.

  • You must upload your written work within 15 minutes of completing your exam for your exam to count.

  • The assignment where you will upload you Midterm Exam will clearly state for which problems you may use technology to solve the problems. It is also clearly stated on the worksheet for each problem.

Final Exam

  • Final Exam will be held on the online on Tuesday, March 22, 2022 from 6-8pm. Please email me if you would like to take it on a different day/time.

  • This is a comprehensive exam but will be heavy on Modules 6-10. Module 11 will contain review materials for you to study prior to the exam.

  • The final exam will not be returned to you.

  • You will find your Final Exam on WeBWorK at the bottom of your assignment list. Just like the One Chance Quizzes and the Midterm, you can only start it once. Once you start it, you will have 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete it.

  • You also will have a worksheet available with additional instructions and questions, just like on the quizzes.

  • You must upload your written work within 15 minutes of completing your exam for your exam to count.

  • The assignment where you will upload your Final Exam will clearly state for which problems you may use technology to solve the problems. It is also clearly stated on the worksheet for each problem.

You will NOT be allowed to use any notes or your book. Additionally, these exams will have mostly no technology problems and only some problems for which you are allowed to use technology as will be clearly stated in the assignment.

Note: If you do not take the exams at the scheduled times, you are welcome to take the exams at an earlier time on the same day or several days before that. Please email me what day and time you would like to take your exams and I will adjust the date for you. During our scheduled exam time, I will be available to support you by phone should you encounter any difficulties.

Late Work & Make-up Policy.

You may request extensions of WeBWorK assignments, Quizzes, and Exams once each anytime before their deadline.

For all extension requests, please state clearly which new deadline you are requesting. Bear in mind that you still need to finish everything by finals week so don't push deadlines out too far. However, I will accept all requests.

For Discussions, I highly recommend that you participate while they are happening. You will get so much more out of this course.

If you need any additional extensions, please email me to set up a phone or Zoom meeting so we can discuss how you can best get back on track with your assignments. And then I will be happy to give you another extension.

The most important thing is that you communicate with me by emailing me if you are experiencing any challenges in your life and/or studies. I will work with you as best as I can to support you in finishing our class successfully.