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Section 3 Course Expectations
The best way to contact me is by using the D2L Brightspace e-mail system which can be accessed from the Classlist. You can use it to send an e-mail to me and/or your classmates. All answers will arrive in your MyPCC email, however. So make sure to check it.
When you email me, include a relevant subject in the "Subject:" or "RE:" section of your e-mail. The subject must include the class you are taking (including the course number) and the topic of your message. Here is an example email subject line: [MTH 95 - CRN 40033]: Confused about Absolute Values
If your question or comment would be of interest to other students, please post it to the Q&A Discussions area. Each weekly module will have an open Q & A discussion thread. This way other participants can help answer questions, and all participants will benefit from the answers. Please refer to the information on "netiquette" in the introductory module for guidelines governing the content of written communications.Responses from Instructor.
I will be checking email at least once on most days of the week. I'll reply to email you send me within 48 hours, though I will make every effort to answer within 24 hours. Any email you sent after 2 PM on Friday I will answer (at the latest) by the following Monday.
I make every effort to grade your One Chance Quiz and your supporting written work within a week after the due date. You can find my detailed feedback on the returned written work for your One Chance Quiz. I will record your High Score Quiz result in D2L around the same time.
You can expect the score and feedback on the midterm to be within approximately one week of the exam time.
Your WeBWorK homework assignment scores will be input into D2L Brightspace weekly by me. You will also be able to see your scores for your homework assignments in WeBWorK at any time. If you ask for an extension and complete your work after I graded everybody, I will update your scores around the time of the midterm and then again around the time of the final.Participation Expectations.
In this course, you are expected to enter the course several times a week to work on the modules, check email, submit assignments, and participate in discussions. Prompt participation in discussions is important, as your fellow students are depending on your input. Each time you log into the course, be sure to check for any new announcements, email and discussion messages, and calendar postings.