Section 5 General Deadline Policies
General Assignment Dates:.
Modules: Open on Mondays at 12:01am
WeBWork Exercises, Discussions, and WeBWorK Quizzes assigned for a given week are all due on Sundays at 11:59pm.
There may be exceptions to this schedule and they are noted in the Course Calendar.
Exam Dates:.
Midterm Exam is online on Friday, February 11, 2022 from 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Final Exam is online on Tuesday, March 22, 2022 from 6-8 pm.
Please email me before the exam if you would like to take either exam on a different day and/or at a different ime.
Extensions of Due Dates:.
You may request extensions of WeBWorK assignments, Quizzes, and Exams once each anytime before their deadline.
For all extension requests, please state clearly which new deadline you are requesting. Bear in mind that you still need to finish everything by finals week so don't push deadlines out too far. However, I will accept all requests.
For Discussions, I highly recommend that you participate while they are happening. You will get so much more out of this course.
If you need any additional extensions, please email me to set up a phone or Zoom meeting so we can discuss how you can best get back on track with your assignments. And then I will be happy to give you another extension.
The most important thing is that you communicate with me by emailing me if you are experiencing any challenges in your life and/or studies. I will work with you as best as I can to support you in finishing our class successfully.