Computer History
As we have watched some videos this past week, there were many people that took part in the computer revolution. The videos concentrated mostly on the newer contributors of the personal computer evolution. Your assignment is to write a three to five pages paper containing 5 people that were inventors, creators, innovators that contributed in some aspect of the computer evolution. Examples could be someone that created a programming language, someone that created a famous piece of software. Try to find other people than those found in the textbook or provide other information not described in the book. Please remember that this is a research assignment, not a copy and paste assignment. You are to summarize the article that you read and cite the source at the bottom of each person that you write on your your document. See example. Write approximately 3-5 single line paragraphs describing a brief background of this person and a description of what they have created/invented/contributed. Find people that were not covered in detail in our textbook. You should include at least one female person. The document should take approximately 2 to 3 pages. Use the style for citation found here: http://www.lib.duke.edu/libguide/works_cited.htm You can use a word processor of your choice for this first assignment. Example:
Cite your sources at the bottom of each person, Keep in mind that the assignment can have images.
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