Assignment 5

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Assignment 1
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Assignment 3
Assignment 4
Assignment 5
Assignment 6
Assignment 7


Due Date: Sent to mailing list / announced in class 50 Points


Summary: Now that you have your homepage on the sws server, you will organize your assignments and publish them on your web site.


1. Make sure that you have a main page on your site ( This initial page has to be called index.htm why?

The Web Server loads a default document. The default document is your start page and must be called one of the following:

Index.html Index.cfm Index.asp Index.htm Index.shtml Default.htm Default.asp Index.shtm

Do not call your first page "main-page.html or first-page.html" etc. Call it index.htm or one of the names above.

The Server searches through your web directory until it finds the document to display and most Servers search in the following order.

  1. Index.htm
  2. Index.cfm
  3. Index.asp
  4. Index.htm
  5. Index.shtml
  6. Default.htm
  7. Default.asp
  8. Index.shtm

Therefore if you want Index.asp to display, the you must remove or rename any files in that directory above it in the search order. Example: I want index.htm to display. I need to make sure that there is no existing file called index.asp or index.html. If so, I would delete or rename them something else.

This page can be created using MS word or any other HTML editor. NOTE: Any of the Office programs allow you to create HTML files. You can also use notepad. You actually should have created this file in one of our labs.

2. This index.htm page should have the following:

  • Your name on the top in H1 size (big)
  • Your picture or another of your choice
  • One paragraph below the picture indicating that this is the "repository" for your assignments
  • Another heading H3 or H2 size indicating that the following are the assignments available on your site.
  • create links to assignments 1,2,3,4 (use bullets)

3. Convert all of your assignments (1,2,3,4) into html and upload them to the server.

How to convert an Excel document into HTML


You can enhance your main page "a little" add another picture, change background color. You l still another assignment where you will have more tasks.

Here is a short example of the page


Walter Morales

This site is the main index for all my assignments for CIS120 - Fall 03

Index of assignments

  • Assignment 1 - Computer history

  • Assignment 2

    • My resume (you can remove your address or other personal information)

    • My brochure

  • Assignment 3 - Group ZZZZZZ (your group name) spreadsheet

  • Assignment 4 - My webpage

(all the above will be links to your assignments that have been converted into HTML and uploaded to the server. Since all the documents are already in some form of MS office, all that you have to do is to save the document as HTML. Assignment 3 will be tricky depending on how you organized your sheets. But, it should be something similar to this site after it is converted. So, you may have to do some rearranging on your spreadsheet assignment)


Morales page ©
CIS 120 - Fall 03



Useful links:


  • A printed copy of your page once it has been uploaded so that we can see the URL at the bottom of the page.

Any questions, let me know. I will be glad to look at your assignment before you hand in the final version.



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This page was last modified October 08, 2002