Android APIs
public interface


implements HttpMessage
Known Indirect Subclasses
BasicHttpEntityEnclosingRequest Basic implementation of a request with an entity that can be modified. 
BasicHttpRequest Basic implementation of an HTTP request that can be modified. 
EntityEnclosingRequestWrapper A wrapper class for HttpEntityEnclosingRequests that can be used to change properties of the current request without modifying the original object. 
HttpDelete HTTP DELETE method

The HTTP DELETE method is defined in section 9.7 of RFC2616:

The DELETE method requests that the origin server delete the resource identified by the Request-URI. 
HttpEntityEnclosingRequest A request with an entity. 
HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase Basic implementation of an HTTP request that can be modified. 
HttpGet HTTP GET method. 
HttpHead HTTP HEAD method. 
HttpOptions HTTP OPTIONS method. 
HttpPost HTTP POST method. 
HttpPut HTTP PUT method. 
HttpRequestBase Basic implementation of an HTTP request that can be modified. 
HttpTrace HTTP TRACE method. 
HttpUriRequest Extended version of the HttpRequest interface that provides convenience methods to access request properties such as request URI and method type. 
RequestWrapper A wrapper class for HttpRequests that can be used to change properties of the current request without modifying the original object. 

Class Overview

An HTTP request.


Public Methods
abstract RequestLine getRequestLine()
Returns the request line of this request.
Inherited Methods
From interface org.apache.http.HttpMessage

Public Methods

public abstract RequestLine getRequestLine ()

Added in API level 1

Returns the request line of this request.

  • the request line.