Android APIs
public class


extends Object
implements Cloneable
   ↳ javax.crypto.Mac

Class Overview

This class provides the public API for Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithms.


Protected Constructors
Mac(MacSpi macSpi, Provider provider, String algorithm)
Creates a new Mac instance.
Public Methods
final Object clone()
Clones this Mac instance and the underlying implementation.
final void doFinal(byte[] output, int outOffset)
Computes the digest of this MAC based on the data previously specified in update(byte) calls and stores the digest in the specified output buffer at offset outOffset.
final byte[] doFinal(byte[] input)
Computes the digest of this MAC based on the data previously specified on update(byte) calls and on the final bytes specified by input (or based on those bytes only).
final byte[] doFinal()
Computes the digest of this MAC based on the data previously specified in update(byte) calls.
final String getAlgorithm()
Returns the name of the MAC algorithm.
final static Mac getInstance(String algorithm, String provider)
Creates a new Mac instance that provides the specified MAC algorithm from the specified provider.
final static Mac getInstance(String algorithm, Provider provider)
Creates a new Mac instance that provides the specified MAC algorithm from the specified provider.
final static Mac getInstance(String algorithm)
Creates a new Mac instance that provides the specified MAC algorithm.
final int getMacLength()
Returns the length of this MAC (in bytes).
final Provider getProvider()
Returns the provider of this Mac instance.
final void init(Key key, AlgorithmParameterSpec params)
Initializes this Mac instance with the specified key and algorithm parameters.
final void init(Key key)
Initializes this Mac instance with the specified key.
final void reset()
Resets this Mac instance to its initial state.
final void update(ByteBuffer input)
Updates this Mac instance with the data from the specified buffer, starting at position(), including the next remaining() bytes.
final void update(byte[] input, int offset, int len)
Updates this Mac instance with the data from the specified buffer input from the specified offset and length len.
final void update(byte input)
Updates this Mac instance with the specified byte.
final void update(byte[] input)
Copies the buffer provided as input for further processing.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Protected Constructors

protected Mac (MacSpi macSpi, Provider provider, String algorithm)

Added in API level 1

Creates a new Mac instance.

macSpi the implementation delegate.
provider the implementation provider.
algorithm the name of the MAC algorithm.

Public Methods

public final Object clone ()

Added in API level 1

Clones this Mac instance and the underlying implementation.

  • the cloned instance.
CloneNotSupportedException if the underlying implementation does not support cloning.

public final void doFinal (byte[] output, int outOffset)

Added in API level 1

Computes the digest of this MAC based on the data previously specified in update(byte) calls and stores the digest in the specified output buffer at offset outOffset.

This Mac instance is reverted to its initial state and can be used to start the next MAC computation with the same parameters or initialized with different parameters.

output the output buffer
outOffset the offset in the output buffer
ShortBufferException if the specified output buffer is either too small for the digest to be stored, the specified output buffer is null, or the specified offset is negative or past the length of the output buffer.
IllegalStateException if this MAC is not initialized.

public final byte[] doFinal (byte[] input)

Added in API level 1

Computes the digest of this MAC based on the data previously specified on update(byte) calls and on the final bytes specified by input (or based on those bytes only).

This Mac instance is reverted to its initial state and can be used to start the next MAC computation with the same parameters or initialized with different parameters.

input the final bytes.
  • the generated digest.
IllegalStateException if this MAC is not initialized.

public final byte[] doFinal ()

Added in API level 1

Computes the digest of this MAC based on the data previously specified in update(byte) calls.

This Mac instance is reverted to its initial state and can be used to start the next MAC computation with the same parameters or initialized with different parameters.

  • the generated digest.
IllegalStateException if this MAC is not initialized.

public final String getAlgorithm ()

Added in API level 1

Returns the name of the MAC algorithm.

  • the name of the MAC algorithm.

public static final Mac getInstance (String algorithm, String provider)

Added in API level 1

Creates a new Mac instance that provides the specified MAC algorithm from the specified provider.

algorithm the name of the requested MAC algorithm.
provider the name of the provider that is providing the algorithm.
  • the new Mac instance.
NoSuchAlgorithmException if the specified algorithm is not provided by the specified provider.
NoSuchProviderException if the specified provider is not available.
IllegalArgumentException if the specified provider name is null or empty.
NullPointerException if algorithm is null (instead of NoSuchAlgorithmException as in 1.4 release).

public static final Mac getInstance (String algorithm, Provider provider)

Added in API level 1

Creates a new Mac instance that provides the specified MAC algorithm from the specified provider.

algorithm the name of the requested MAC algorithm.
provider the provider that is providing the algorithm.
  • the new Mac instance.
NoSuchAlgorithmException if the specified algorithm is not provided by the specified provider.
IllegalArgumentException if provider is null.
NullPointerException if algorithm is null (instead of NoSuchAlgorithmException as in 1.4 release).

public static final Mac getInstance (String algorithm)

Added in API level 1

Creates a new Mac instance that provides the specified MAC algorithm.

algorithm the name of the requested MAC algorithm.
  • the new Mac instance.
NoSuchAlgorithmException if the specified algorithm is not available by any provider.
NullPointerException if algorithm is null (instead of NoSuchAlgorithmException as in 1.4 release).

public final int getMacLength ()

Added in API level 1

Returns the length of this MAC (in bytes).

  • the length of this MAC (in bytes).

public final Provider getProvider ()

Added in API level 1

Returns the provider of this Mac instance.

  • the provider of this Mac instance.

public final void init (Key key, AlgorithmParameterSpec params)

Added in API level 1

Initializes this Mac instance with the specified key and algorithm parameters.

key the key to initialize this algorithm.
params the parameters for this algorithm.
InvalidKeyException if the specified key cannot be used to initialize this algorithm, or it is null.
InvalidAlgorithmParameterException if the specified parameters cannot be used to initialize this algorithm.

public final void init (Key key)

Added in API level 1

Initializes this Mac instance with the specified key.

key the key to initialize this algorithm.
InvalidKeyException if initialization fails because the provided key is null.
RuntimeException if the specified key cannot be used to initialize this algorithm.

public final void reset ()

Added in API level 1

Resets this Mac instance to its initial state.

This Mac instance is reverted to its initial state and can be used to start the next MAC computation with the same parameters or initialized with different parameters.

public final void update (ByteBuffer input)

Added in API level 1

Updates this Mac instance with the data from the specified buffer, starting at position(), including the next remaining() bytes.

input the buffer.
IllegalStateException if this MAC is not initialized.

public final void update (byte[] input, int offset, int len)

Added in API level 1

Updates this Mac instance with the data from the specified buffer input from the specified offset and length len.

input the buffer.
offset the offset in the buffer.
len the length of the data in the buffer.
IllegalStateException if this MAC is not initialized.
IllegalArgumentException if offset and len do not specified a valid chunk in input buffer.

public final void update (byte input)

Added in API level 1

Updates this Mac instance with the specified byte.

input the byte
IllegalStateException if this MAC is not initialized.

public final void update (byte[] input)

Added in API level 1

Copies the buffer provided as input for further processing.

input the buffer.
IllegalStateException if this MAC is not initialized.