Android APIs
public class


extends FilterInputStream
Known Direct Subclasses
Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

This class provides an implementation of FilterInputStream that decompresses data that was compressed using the DEFLATE algorithm (see specification). Basically it wraps the Inflater class and takes care of the buffering.


protected byte[] buf The input buffer used for decompression.
protected Inflater inf The inflater used for this stream.
protected int len The length of the buffer.
Inherited Fields
From class
Public Constructors
InflaterInputStream(InputStream is)
This is the most basic constructor.
InflaterInputStream(InputStream is, Inflater inflater)
This constructor lets you pass a specifically initialized Inflater, for example one that expects no ZLIB header.
InflaterInputStream(InputStream is, Inflater inflater, int bufferSize)
This constructor lets you specify both the Inflater as well as the internal buffer size to be used.
Public Methods
int available()
Returns 0 when when this stream has exhausted its input; and 1 otherwise.
void close()
Closes the input stream.
void mark(int readlimit)
Marks the current position in the stream.
boolean markSupported()
Returns whether the receiver implements mark semantics.
int read()
Reads a single byte of decompressed data.
int read (byte[] buffer, int byteOffset, int byteCount)
Reads up to byteCount bytes of decompressed data and stores it in buffer starting at byteOffset.
void reset()
This operation is not supported and throws IOException.
long skip(long byteCount)
Skips up to byteCount bytes of uncompressed data.
Protected Methods
void fill()
Fills the input buffer with data to be decompressed.
Inherited Methods
From class
From class
From class java.lang.Object
From interface
From interface java.lang.AutoCloseable


protected byte[] buf

Added in API level 1

The input buffer used for decompression.

protected Inflater inf

Added in API level 1

The inflater used for this stream.

protected int len

Added in API level 1

The length of the buffer.

Public Constructors

public InflaterInputStream (InputStream is)

Added in API level 1

This is the most basic constructor. You only need to pass the InputStream from which the compressed data is to be read from. Default settings for the Inflater and internal buffer are be used. In particular the Inflater expects a ZLIB header from the input stream.

is th e InputStream to read data from.

public InflaterInputStream (InputStream is, Inflater inflater)

Added in API level 1

This constructor lets you pass a specifically initialized Inflater, for example one that expects no ZLIB header.

is the InputStream to read data from.
inflater the specific Inflater for decompressing data.

public InflaterInputStream (InputStream is, Inflater inflater, int bufferSize)

Added in API level 1

This constructor lets you specify both the Inflater as well as the internal buffer size to be used.

is the InputStream to read data from.
inflater the specific Inflater for decompressing data.
bufferSize the size to be used for the internal buffer.

Public Methods

public int available ()

Added in API level 1

Returns 0 when when this stream has exhausted its input; and 1 otherwise. A result of 1 does not guarantee that further bytes can be returned, with or without blocking.

Although consistent with the RI, this behavior is inconsistent with available(), and violates the Liskov Substitution Principle. This method should not be used.

  • 0 if no further bytes are available. Otherwise returns 1, which suggests (but does not guarantee) that additional bytes are available.
IOException if this stream is closed or an error occurs

public void close ()

Added in API level 1

Closes the input stream.

IOException If an error occurs closing the input stream.

public void mark (int readlimit)

Added in API level 1

Marks the current position in the stream. This implementation overrides the super type implementation to do nothing at all.

readlimit of no use.

public boolean markSupported ()

Added in API level 1

Returns whether the receiver implements mark semantics. This type does not support mark(), so always responds false.

  • false, always

public int read ()

Added in API level 1

Reads a single byte of decompressed data.

  • the byte read.
IOException if an error occurs reading the byte.

public int read (byte[] buffer, int byteOffset, int byteCount)

Added in API level 1

Reads up to byteCount bytes of decompressed data and stores it in buffer starting at byteOffset. Returns the number of uncompressed bytes read, or -1.


public void reset ()

Added in API level 1

This operation is not supported and throws IOException.


public long skip (long byteCount)

Added in API level 1

Skips up to byteCount bytes of uncompressed data.

byteCount the number of bytes to skip.
  • the number of uncompressed bytes skipped.
IllegalArgumentException if byteCount < 0.
IOException if an error occurs skipping.

Protected Methods

protected void fill ()

Added in API level 1

Fills the input buffer with data to be decompressed.

IOException if an IOException occurs.