Android APIs
public class


extends Object
   ↳<K, V>

Class Overview

Static library version of LruCache. Used to write apps that run on API levels prior to 12. When running on API level 12 or above, this implementation is still used; it does not try to switch to the framework's implementation. See the framework SDK documentation for a class overview.


Public Constructors
LruCache(int maxSize)
Public Methods
synchronized final int createCount()
Returns the number of times create(Object) returned a value.
final void evictAll()
Clear the cache, calling entryRemoved(boolean, K, V, V) on each removed entry.
synchronized final int evictionCount()
Returns the number of values that have been evicted.
final V get(K key)
Returns the value for key if it exists in the cache or can be created by #create.
synchronized final int hitCount()
Returns the number of times get(K) returned a value.
synchronized final int maxSize()
For caches that do not override sizeOf(K, V), this returns the maximum number of entries in the cache.
synchronized final int missCount()
Returns the number of times get(K) returned null or required a new value to be created.
final V put(K key, V value)
Caches value for key.
synchronized final int putCount()
Returns the number of times put(K, V) was called.
final V remove(K key)
Removes the entry for key if it exists.
synchronized final int size()
For caches that do not override sizeOf(K, V), this returns the number of entries in the cache.
synchronized final Map<K, V> snapshot()
Returns a copy of the current contents of the cache, ordered from least recently accessed to most recently accessed.
synchronized final String toString()
Returns a string containing a concise, human-readable description of this object.
void trimToSize(int maxSize)
Remove the eldest entries until the total of remaining entries is at or below the requested size.
Protected Methods
V create(K key)
Called after a cache miss to compute a value for the corresponding key.
void entryRemoved(boolean evicted, K key, V oldValue, V newValue)
Called for entries that have been evicted or removed.
int sizeOf(K key, V value)
Returns the size of the entry for key and value in user-defined units.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public LruCache (int maxSize)

maxSize for caches that do not override sizeOf(K, V), this is the maximum number of entries in the cache. For all other caches, this is the maximum sum of the sizes of the entries in this cache.

Public Methods

public final synchronized int createCount ()

Returns the number of times create(Object) returned a value.

public final void evictAll ()

Clear the cache, calling entryRemoved(boolean, K, V, V) on each removed entry.

public final synchronized int evictionCount ()

Returns the number of values that have been evicted.

public final V get (K key)

Returns the value for key if it exists in the cache or can be creat ed by #create. If a value was returned, it is moved to the head of the queue. This returns null if a value is not cached and cannot be created.

public final synchronized int hitCount ()

Returns the number of times get(K) returned a value.

public final synchronized int maxSize ()

For caches that do not override sizeOf(K, V), this returns the maximum number of entries in the cache. For all other caches, this returns the maximum sum of the sizes of the entries in this cache.

public final synchronized int missCount ()

Returns the number of times get(K) returned null or required a new value to be created.

public final V put (K key, V value)

Caches value for key. The value is moved to the head of the queue.

  • the previous value mapped by key.

public final synchronized int putCount ()

Returns the number of times put(K, V) was called.

public final V remove (K key)

Removes the entry for key if it exists.

  • the previous value mapped by key.

public final synchronized int size ()

For caches that do not override sizeOf(K, V), this returns the number of entries in the cache. For all other caches, this returns the sum of the sizes of the entries in this cache.

public final synchronized Map<K, V> snapshot ()

Returns a copy of the current contents of the cache, ordered from least recently accessed to most recently accessed.

public final synchronized String toString ()

Returns a string containing a concise, human-readable description of this object. Subclasses are encouraged to override this method and provide an implementation that takes into account the object's type and data. The default implementation is equivalent to the following expression:

   getClass().getName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(hashCode())

See Writing a useful toString method if you intend implementing your own toString method.

  • a printable representation of this object.

public void trimToSize (int maxSize)

Remove the eldest entries until the total of remaining entries is at or below the requested size.

maxSize the maximum size of the cache before returning. May be -1 to evict even 0-sized elements.

Protected Methods

protected V create (K key)

Called after a cache miss to compute a value for the corresponding key. Returns the computed value or null if no value can be computed. The default implementation returns null.

The method is called without synchronization: other threads may access the cache while this method is executing.

If a value for key exists in the cache when this method returns, the created value will be released with entryRemoved(boolean, K, V, V) and discarded. This can occur when multiple threads request the same key at the same time (causing multiple values to be created), or when one thread calls put(K, V) while another is creating a value for the same key.

protected void entryRemoved (boolean evicted, K key, V oldValue, V newValue)

Called for entries that have been evicted or removed. This method is invoked when a value is evicted to make space, removed by a call to remove(K), or replaced by a call to put(K, V). The default implementation does nothing.

The method is called without synchronization: other threads may access the cache while this method is executing.

evicted true if the entry is being removed to make space, false if the removal was caused by a put(K, V) or remove(K).
newValue the new value for key, if it exists. If non-null, this removal was caused by a put(K, V). Otherwise it was caused by an eviction or a remove(K).

protected int sizeOf (K key, V value)

Returns the size of the entry for key and value in user-defined units. The default implementation returns 1 so that size is the number of entries and max size is the maximum number of entries.

An entry's size must not change while it is in the cache.