Android APIs
public class


extends Object
   ↳ android.drm.DrmInfoStatus

Class Overview

An entity class that wraps the result of communication between a device and an online DRM server. Specifically, when the DrmManagerClient.processDrmInfo() method is called, an instance of DrmInfoStatus is returned.

This class contains the ProcessedData object, which can be used to instantiate a DrmRights object during license acquisition.


int STATUS_ERROR Indicate failed communication.
int STATUS_OK Indicate successful communication.
public final ProcessedData data The processed data.
public final int infoType The type of DRM information processed.
public final String mimeType The MIME type of the content.
public final int statusCode The status of the communication.
Public Constructors
DrmInfoStatus(int statusCode, int infoType, ProcessedData data, String mimeType)
Creates a DrmInfoStatus object with the specified paramet ers.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final int STATUS_ERROR

Added in API level 11

Indicate failed communication.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

public static final int STATUS_OK

Added in API level 11

Indicate successful communication.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


public final ProcessedData data

Added in API level 11

The processed data. It is optional and thus could be null. When it is null, it indicates that a particular call to DrmManagerClient.processDrmInfo() does not return any additional useful information except for the status code.

public final int infoType

Added in API level 11

The type of DRM information processed. Must be one of the valid type constants defined in DrmInfoRequest.

public final String mimeType

Added in API level 11

The MIME type of the content. Must not be null or an empty string.

public final int statusCode

Added in API level 11

The status of the communication. Must be one of the defined status constants above.

Public Constructors

public DrmInfoStatus (int statusCode, int infoType, ProcessedData data, String mimeType)

Added in API level 11

Creates a DrmInfoStatus object with the specified parameters.

statusCode The status of the communication. Must be one of the defined status constants above.
infoType The type of the DRM information processed. Must be a valid type for DrmInfoRequest.
data The processed data.
mimeType The MIME type.