Android APIs
public class


extends PackageItemInfo
Known Direct Subclasses

Class Overview

Base class containing information common to all application components (ActivityInfo, ServiceInfo). This class is not intended to be used by itself; it is simply here to share common definitions between all application components. As such, it does not itself implement Parcelable, but does provide convenience methods to assist in the implementation of Parcelable in subclasses.


public ApplicationInfo applicationInfo Global information about the application/package this component is a part of.
public int descriptionRes A string resource identifier (in the package's resources) containing a user-readable description of the component.
public boolean enabled Indicates whether or not this component may be instantiated.
public boolean exported Set to true if this component is available for use by other applications.
public String processName The name of the process this component should run in.
Inherited Fields
From class
Public Constructors
ComponentInfo(ComponentInfo orig)
Protected Constructors
ComponentInfo(Parcel source)
Publ ic Methods
final int getBannerResource()
Return the banner resource identifier to use for this component.
final int getIconResource()
Return the icon resource identifier to use for this component.
final int getLogoResource()
Return the logo resource identifier to use for this component.
boolean isEnabled()
Return whether this component and its enclosing application are enabled.
CharSequence loadLabel(PackageManager pm)
Retrieve the current textual label associated with this item.
void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int parcelableFlags)
Protected Methods
void dumpBack(Printer pw, String prefix)
void dumpFront(Printer pw, String prefix)
Inherited Methods
From class
From class java.lang.Object


public ApplicationInfo applicationInfo

Added in API level 1

Global information about the application/package this component is a part of.

public int descriptionRes

Added in API level 8

A string resource identifier (in the package's resources) containing a user-readable description of the component. From the "description" attribute or, if not set, 0.

public boolean enabled

Added in API level 1

Indicates whether or not this component may be instantiated. Note that this value can be overriden by the one in its parent ApplicationInfo.

public boolean exported

Added in API level 1

Set to true if this component is available for use by other applications. Comes from android:exported of the <activity>, <receiver>, <service>, or <provider> tag.

public String processName

Added in API level 1

The name of the process this component should run in. From the "android:process" attribute or, if not set, the same as applicationInfo.processName.

Public Constructors

public ComponentInfo ()

Added in API level 1

public ComponentInfo (ComponentInfo orig)

Added in API level 1

Protected Constructors

protected ComponentInfo (Parcel source)

Added in API level 1

Public Methods

public final int getBannerResource ()

Added in API level 20

Return the banner resource identifier to use for this component. If the component defines a banner, that is used; else, the application banner is used.

  • The banner associated with this component.

public final int getIconResource ()

Added in API level 1

Return the icon resource identifier to use for this component. If the component defines an icon, that is used; else, the application icon is used.

  • The icon associated with this component.

public final int getLogoResource ()

Added in API level 19

Return the logo resource identifier to use for this component. If the component defines a logo, that is used; else, the application logo is used.

  • The logo associated with this component.

public boolean isEnabled ()

Added in API level 11

Return whether this component and its enclosing application are enabled.

public CharSequence loadLabel (PackageManager pm)

Added in API level 1

Retrieve the current textual label associated with this item. This will call back on the given PackageManager to load the label from the application.

pm A PackageManager from which the label can be loaded; usually the PackageManager from which you originally retrieved this item.
  • Returns a CharSequence containing the item's label. If the item does not have a label, its name is returned.

public void writeToParcel (Parcel dest, int parcelableFlags)

Added in API level 1

Protected Methods

protected void dumpBack (Printer pw, String prefix)

Added in API level 1

protected void dumpFront (Printer pw, String prefix)

Added in API level 1