Android APIs
public final class


extends Animator
   ↳ android.animation.Animator
     ↳ android.animation.AnimatorSet

Class Overview

This class plays a set of Animator objects in the specified order. Animations can be set up to play together, in sequence, or after a specified delay.

There are two different approaches to adding animations to a AnimatorSet: either the playTogether() or playSequentially() methods can be called to add a set of animations all at once, or the play(Animator) can be used in conjunction with methods in the Builder class to add animations one by one.

It is possible to set up a AnimatorSet with circular dependencies between its animations. For example, an animation a1 could be set up to start before animation a2, a2 before a3, and a3 before a1. The results of this configuration are undefined, but will typically result in none of the affected animations being played. Because of this (and because circular dependencies do not make logical sense anyway), circular dependencies should be avoided, and the dependency flow of animations should only be in one direction.

Developer Guides

For more information about animating with AnimatorSet, read the Property Animation developer guide.


Nested Classes
class AnimatorSet.Builder The Builder object is a utility class to facilitate adding animations to a AnimatorSet along with the relationships between the various animations. 
Public Constructors
Public Methods
void cancel()
Cancels the animation.

Note that canceling a AnimatorSet also cancels all of the animations that it is responsible for.

AnimatorSet clone()
Creates and returns a copy of this Object.
void end()
Ends the animation.

Note that ending a AnimatorSet also ends all of the animations that it is responsible for.

ArrayList<Animator> getChildAnimations()
Returns the current list of child Animator objects controlled by this AnimatorSet.
long getDuration()
Gets the length of each of the child animations of this AnimatorSet.
TimeInterpolator getInterpolator()
Returns the timing interpolator that this animation uses.
long getStartDelay()
The amount of time, in milliseconds, to delay starting the animation after start() is called.
boolean isRunning()
Returns true if any of the child animations of this AnimatorSet have been started and have not yet ended.
boolean isStarted()
Returns whether this Animator has been started and not yet ended.
void pause()
Pauses a running animation.
AnimatorSet.Builder play(Animator anim)
This method creates a Builder object, which is used to set up playing constraints.
void playSequentially(Animator... items)
Sets up this AnimatorSet to play each of the supplied animations when the previous animation ends.
void playSequentially(List<Animator> items)
Sets up this AnimatorSet to play each of the supplied animations when the previous animation ends.
void playTogether(Collection<Animator> items)
Sets up this AnimatorSet to play all of the supplied animations at the same time.
void resume()
Resumes a paused animation, causing the animator to pick up where it left off when it was paused.
AnimatorSet setDuration(long duration)
Sets the length of each of the current child animations of this AnimatorSet.
void setInterpolator(TimeInterpolator interpolator)
Sets the TimeInterpolator for all current child animations of this AnimatorSet.
void setStartDelay(long startDelay)
The amount of time, in milliseconds, to delay starting the animation after start() is called.
void setTarget(Object target)
Sets the target object for all current child animations of this AnimatorSet that take targets (ObjectAnimator and AnimatorSet).
void setupEndValues()
This method tells the object to use appropriate information to extract ending values for the animation.
void setupStartValues()
This method tells the object to use appropriate information to extract starting values for the animation.
void start()
Starts this animation.

Starting this AnimatorSet will, in turn, start the animations for which it is responsible.

Inherited Methods
From class android.animation.Animator
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public AnimatorSet ()

Added in API level 11

Public Methods

public void cancel ()

Added in API level 11

Cancels the animation. Unlike end(), cancel() causes the animation to stop in its tracks, sending an onAnimationCancel(Animator) to its listeners, followed by an onAnimationEnd(Animator) message.

This method must be called on the thread that is running the animation.

Note that canceling a AnimatorSet also cancels all of the animations that it is responsible for.

public AnimatorSet clone ()

Added in API level 11

Creates and returns a copy of this Object. The default implementation returns a so-called "shallow" copy: It creates a new instance of the same class and then copies the field values (including object references) from this instance to the new instance. A "deep" copy, in contrast, would also recursively clone nested objects. A subclass that needs to implement this kind of cloning should call super.clone() to create the new instance and then create deep copies of the nested, mutable objects.

  • a copy of this object.

public void end ()

Added in API level 11

Ends the animation. This causes the animation to assign the end value of the property being animated, then calling the onAnimationEnd(Animator) method on its listeners.

This method must be called on the thread that is running the animation.

Note that ending a AnimatorSet also ends all of the animations that it is responsible for.

public ArrayList<Animator> getChildAnimations ()

Added in API level 11

Returns the current list of child Animator objects controlled by this AnimatorSet. This is a copy of the internal list; modifications to the returned list will not affect the AnimatorSet, although changes to the underlying Animator objects will affect those objects being managed by the AnimatorSet.

  • ArrayList The list of child animations of this AnimatorSet.

public long getDuration ()

Added in API level 11

Gets the length of each of the child animations of this AnimatorSet. This value may be less than 0, which indicates that no duration has been set on this AnimatorSet and each of the child animations will use their own duration.

  • The length of the animation, in milliseconds, of each of the child animations of this AnimatorSet.

public TimeInterpolator getInterpolator ()

Added in API level 18

Returns the timing interpolator that this animation uses.

  • The timing interpolator for this animation.

public long getStartDelay ()

Added in API level 11

The amount of time, in milliseconds, to delay starting the animation after start() is called.

  • the number of milliseconds to delay running the animation

public boolean isRunning ()

Added in API level 11

Returns true if any of the child animations of this AnimatorSet have been started and have not yet ended.

  • Whether this AnimatorSet has been started and has not yet ended.

public boolean isStarted ()

Added in API level 14

Returns whether this Animator has been started and not yet ended. This state is a superset of the state of isRunning(), because an Animator with a nonzero startDelay will return true for isStarted() during the delay phase, whereas isRunning() will return true only after the delay phase is complete.

  • Whether the Animator has been started and not yet ended.

public void pause ()

Added in API level 19

Pauses a running animation. This method should only be called on the same thread on which the animation was started. If the animation has not yet been started or has since ended, then the call is ignored. Paused animations can be resumed by calling resume().

public AnimatorSet.Builder play (Animator anim)

Added in API level 11

This method creates a Builder object, which is used to set up playing constraints. This initial play() method tells the Builder the animation that is the dependency for the succeeding commands to the Builder. For example, calling play(a1).with(a2) sets up the AnimatorSet to play a1 and a2 at the same time, play(a1).before(a2) sets up the AnimatorSet to play a1 first, followed by a2, and play(a1).after(a2) sets up the AnimatorSet to play a2 first, followed by a1.

Note that play() is the only way to tell the Builder the animation upon which the dependency is created, so successive calls to the various functions in Builder will all refer to the initial parameter supplied in play() as the dependency of the other animations. For example, calling play(a1).before(a2).before(a3) will play both a2 and a3 when a1 ends; i t does not set up a dependency between a2 and a3.

anim The animation that is the dependency used in later calls to the methods in the returned Builder object. A null parameter will result in a null Builder return value.
  • Builder The object that constructs the AnimatorSet based on the dependencies outlined in the calls to play and the other methods in the Builder

public void playSequentially (Animator... items)

Added in API level 11

Sets up this AnimatorSet to play each of the supplied animations when the previous animation ends.

items The animations that will be started one after another.

public void playSequentially (List<Animator> items)

Added in API level 11

Sets up this AnimatorSet to play each of the supplied animations when the previous animation ends.

items The animations that will be started one after another.

public void playTogether (Collection<Animator> items)

Added in API level 11

Sets up this AnimatorSet to play all of the supplied animations at the same time.

items The animations that will be started simultaneously.

public void playTogether (Animator... items)

Added in API level 11

Sets up this AnimatorSet to play all of the supplied animations at the same time. This is equivalent to calling play(Animator) with the first animator in the set and then with(Animator) with each of the other animators. Note that an Animator with a startDelay will not actually start until that delay elapses, which means that if the first animator in the list supplied to this constructor has a startDelay, none of the other animators will start until that first animator's startDelay has elapsed.

items The animations that will be started simultaneously.

public void resume ()

Added in API level 19

Resumes a paused animation, causing the animator to pick up where it left off when it was paused. This method should only be called on the same thread on which the animation was started. Calls to resume() on an animator that is not currently paused will be ignored.

public AnimatorSet setDuration (long duration)

Added in API level 11

Sets the length of each of the current child animations of this AnimatorSet. By default, each child animation will use its own duration. If the duration is set on the AnimatorSet, then each child animation inherits this duration.

duration The length of the animation, in milliseconds, of each of the child animations of this AnimatorSet.

public vo id setInterpolator (TimeInterpolator interpolator)

Added in API level 11

Sets the TimeInterpolator for all current child animations of this AnimatorSet. The default value is null, which means that no interpolator is set on this AnimatorSet. Setting the interpolator to any non-null value will cause that interpolator to be set on the child animations when the set is started.

interpolator the interpolator to be used by each child animation of this AnimatorSet

public void setStartDelay (long startDelay)

Added in API level 11

The amount of time, in milliseconds, to delay starting the animation after start() is called.

startDelay The amount of the delay, in milliseconds

public void setTarget (Object target)

Added in API level 11

Sets the target object for all current child animations of this AnimatorSet that take targets (ObjectAnimator and AnimatorSet).

target The object being animated

public void setupEndValues ()

Added in API level 11

This method tells the object to use appropriate information to extract ending values for the animation. For example, a AnimatorSet object will pass this call to its child objects to tell them to set up the values. A ObjectAnimator object will use the information it has about its target object and PropertyValuesHolder objects to get the start values for its properties. A ValueAnimator object will ignore the request since it does not have enough information (such as a target object) to gather these values.

public void setupStartValues ()

Added in API level 11

This method tells the object to use appropriate information to extract starting values for the animation. For example, a AnimatorSet object will pass this call to its child objects to tell them to set up the values. A ObjectAnimator object will use the information it has about its target object and PropertyValuesHolder objects to get the start values for its properties. A ValueAnimator object will ignore the request since it does not have enough information (such as a target object) to gather these values.

public void start ()

Added in API level 11

Starts this animation. If the animation has a nonzero startDelay, the animation will start running after that delay elapses. A non-delayed animation will have its initial value(s) set immediately, followed by calls to onAnimationStart(Animator) for any listeners of this animator.

The animation started by calling this method will be run on the thread that called this method. This thread should have a Looper on it (a runtime exception will be thrown if this is not the case). Also, if the animation will animate properties of objects in the view hierarchy, then the calling thread should be the UI thread for that view hierarchy.

Starting this AnimatorSet will, in turn, start the animations for which it is responsible. The details of when exactly those animations are started depends on the dependency relationships that have been set up between the animations.