Section 14 Proctored Exams
There will be two exams and one final. These are proctored exams, so each student will work on their exams and final by themselves during the exam. If you are eligible for time extensions on in-class tests or other accommodations, please talk to me during the first week of term.
Exams Dates.
All exams will be held at Sylvania Campus in room TCB 218. The Technology Classroom Building (TCB) is near the Shuttle stop and Bus 44 stop next to the Library. If you come by car, you can either get a hourly/daily parking permit or one for the entire term, whichever is cheaper for your situation. You can find information on the Transportation and Parking Website 1 .
Exam 1 will be on Friday, February 3, 2023 from 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Exam 2 will be on Friday, March 3, 2023 from 4:00pm - 6:00pm
The Final Exam will be on Monday, March 20, 2023 from 4:00pm - 6:00pm
If you cannot make it to the exam sessions outlined above and in our Course Calendar Details, you will need to make arrangements to take the exams at a proctored testing location (such as a local college). Please email me immediately.
If you live in the Portland Metro area and have a hardship preventing your travel to Sylvania Campus, you will likely take these exams at a PCC Testing Center. Please email me immediately for options.
If you live outside the Portland Metro area, you will need to have the testing location vetted by me before being allowed to use it. You are responsible for making the alternate arrangements. Some locations may charge for their proctored testing service and any such fees will be your responsibility.
Contact me immediately if any of this applies to you, as this must be arranged by the end of the third week of term.
General Exam Information.
You will need to bring a photo ID (drivers license, passport, student ID, etc.) to take these on-campus exams.
Exams will be paper-and-pencil exams and you will not be allowed to use any notes or your book. I will design the exams in a way that you will not need a calculator.
Generally, points will be given for correct answers, showing your work, proper solution steps, and readability. No or one point will be given if work is not shown but the solution is correct unless otherwise noted on the test.
The exams and final are cumulative, which means that there can be problems of everything that has been covered up to that point.
There will be an exam review in WeBWorK during the week before each exam. If you complete it and upload your work, you will receive bonus points counted towards your exam score.
You can also use your binder with all your notes, your quizzes, and previous exams to help you prepare for the current exam you are preparing for.