Section 8 General Deadline Policies
General Assignment Dates:.
We cover approximately two sections per week. Introductory Video Notes, Worksheets, Discussions and WeBWorK Practice Assignments and Quizzes will be due on Sundays at 11:59 pm.
All Assignments take time. I therefore highly recommend that you start always in the beginning of the week, well before the deadline. Make yourself a weekly schedule that helps you pace yourself and stay on track.
You can find details and exceptions to this schedule in the Course Calendar. Exam weeks only consist of Review and Exam.
Exam Weeks:.
Exam 1 is a proctored in-person exam on Friday, February 3, 4-6 pm at Sylvania Campus in TCB 218.
Exam 2 is a proctored in-person exam on Friday, March 3, 4-6 pm at Sylvania Campus in TCB 218.
The Final Exam is a proctored in-person exam on Monday, March 20, 4-6 pm at Sylvania Campus in TCB 218.
Please email me before the exam week if you have any scheduling conflicts.
Extensions of Due Dates:.
You may request extensions of any Assignments, Quizzes, and Exams anytime before their deadline.
For all extension requests, email me and state clearly which new deadline you are requesting. Bear in mind that you still need to finish everything by finals week so don't push deadlines out too far. However, I will accept all requests you make before the deadline.
If you make extension requests after the original deadline, email me your plan how you will get back on track with your assignments. You are always welcome to email me to set up a phone, in-person, or Zoom meeting so we can discuss that together. I will then be happy to give you the necessary extensions.
The most important thing is that you communicate with me by emailing me if you are experiencing any challenges in your life and/or studies. I will work with you as best as I can to support you in finishing our class successfully.