CS 160 - 100 pts
In this
assignment you will create a javascript animation of
selected images on your disk. Then you will need to
upload the pictures and the htm file on the server of
your choice.
Some of you
already accomplished this doing this in the last
assignment. Those that did not go for the extra credit
will need to find a server to upload this script and the
Email your
instructor when this assignment is uploaded and its
location. Use the Subject: CS160 MW - your name -
Assignment 6. In the body of your message include
the URL where your page can be found.
Issues: Some web
severs are case sensitive and you may encounter problems
when you publish your page and will not be capable of
viewing the files. In this case, double check the
filenames. For instance, your program may be asking for
a file called pic1.jpg, but the file on the
server is named pic1.JPG. So, when you look at
the page, you will not see the image. Also, spelling
errors, missing symbols in the program will cause the
program not to work properly.
The /* */
sections are comments on your program.
Do the following:
Create 5
small images using the Paint application. (Start
going to Image… properties.. and set the size of the
image to 2x2inches, otherwise the images will be too
big for your disk)
Make sure
that you save each image with the names pic1.jpg,
pic2.jpg etc. (use the option File… Save as … and
under Save as type change to JPEG.)
Type the
following program and save it on your disk as
Open your web
browser and use the option File .. Open.. and open
the file javasample.htm on your browser. Make sure
that the images and the .htm file are in the same
directory, otherwise your pictures will not show.
Also, watch out the capitalization of the pic
- Upload the pictures and the
javascript to a web server.
Send an email
to your instructor indicating the URL of the page
containing the code.
/* Start the
counter at 1
Create images
all the same size
Name the images in sequence like the example pic1.jpg
Start the names at 1 and goto N
var counter = 1
var timer
/* load the
numpics images into an array of images */
var speed =
prompt(" Enter speed (1 .. 5) where 1 is fast and 5 is
slow ","3")
var numpics =
prompt("Enter the number of pictures (5 is
var imgs = new
for (var i = 1;i
< numpics + 1; i++){
imgs[i] = new Image()
imgs[i].src = "pic" + i + ".jpg"
animate() {
/* As long as the
counter is less than numpics add 1 else make the counter
if (counter
< numpics){
counter += 1
counter = 1
document.anim.src = imgs[counter].src
<H2><CENTER>Simple Animation.</CENTER></H2>
"pic1.jpg" ALIGN=bottom name=anim><BR>
<INPUT TYPE=button NAME=Button VALUE="Stop"
<INPUT TYPE=button NAME=Button VALUE=" Go "
The result of
this script can be seen
here |