Assignment 1
Assignment # 1 CS 160 DUE : Announced in ClassINSTRUCTIONS: Download and install CeeBot, from here If you are using Windows Vista, you may need to do the following if the program does not work correctly: 1) Click on the right button of your mouse on the shortcut for CeeBot on your desktop. 2) Click on Properties and on the tab Compatibility. Under the Compatibility mode select ( ) Run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows XP (Service Pack 2) 3) If you still see your screen flickering or another problem, try to go under the Options menu on CeeBot and under drivers try NVIDIA or another option and you may want to change the resolution as well. Also, unselect ( ) Full screen.
Download this CEEBOT Document: This tutorial will familiarize you with the CEEBOT software, please read the sections 1-6. You will not be able to perform the steps since we are using a version modified with exercises for our students, but it will give you a great overview about the program. Here is the assignment that you need to submit: Assignment 1Complete all 6 exercises in Chapter 1 of your CeeBot package. The first is entitled "Titanium 1" and the last is entitled "Titanium 3". Then complete the three exercises in Chapter 2. The last is entitled "Power Cell 6". Note: on the first few lines of your program always including the following, using this format:
When you have completed the last exercise (Power Cell 6), open the CeeBot Program Editor for your robot and save your program in a file named powercell6. You do this by clicking the third button on the left at the top of the Program Editor window. It has a floppy disk icon, with a shortcut of Control-S. When the Save dialog box appears, be sure to check the "Private" check box and enter powercell6 in the Name field. You can then close the CeeBot package and open Windows Explorer. Navigate to the folder that contains your saved robot program. On my computer, which has a default installation of the Ceebot package, the path to this file is: C:\Program Files\Ceebot4\savegame\Student\Student 1\program\powercell6.txt. Now email this file (powercell6.txt) to your instructor to the address using the subject on your message "CS160 online - Your name - powercell6 . If you are in the on campus class, upload this file in the sws server (