Assignment 4
Create your Home Page (50 pts) Task: Create your own personalized intro home page. Upload it to a server (15 Extra Points). These instructions will allow you to create your own web page for later publishing in one of the many different web servers on the internet. The procedure: Step 1 - Open Notepad Open Notepad (click on Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Notepad) to start a new notepad file. (It may vary depending what kind of Windows that you are using) Step 2 - Copy the text from the Example Copy the information seen on the example page below containing all of the tags (HTML) that will be on your page. Replace the information in italic with your information. This information should be copied to your new notepad file. All the information that is in italics should be replaced with yours: such as, the short paragraph about yourself. Something like your introduction to class. Keep the links and everything else that is in regular text. For instance: You would start your page saying: "Hi, this is my page, I live in <I><A HREF=""> Portland</A></I> and I go to <I><A HREF=""> Portland Community College</A></I> blah blah..blah..." Keeping those two links will allow you to link to pages that have information about Portland and the other to PCC. You can replace PCC’s link to your schools’ web site and your home town. Step 3 - Save your Web Page Once you type all the information, save as.. this document in your disk calling it "yourlastname.htm". When saving this document created in notepad, make sure that under Save as type: select All files, otherwise your file may have two extensions htm.txt Step 4 - Use a Search Engine to Find Favorite Links In the second phase you will be searching for three sites that you will include as your favorite links. Using Netscape or Internet Explorer click on the Search button or you can go directly to a search engine of your choice. Here are some good search engines:
Once you access a search engine you will find a page that has options for you to search using keywords. For instance if you like "dogs", search for the word dogs. The search engine will find thousands of pages and it will return a summary of all the pages that have the word dog in it, including a summary of the contents of that page and its internet address. You may have hundreds of hits. By clicking on the blue line in the responses to your inquiry, it will take you to that particular page. If you like the site, write down the URL (Universal Resource Locator) address. That is the address that starts with http://….. You will include this address in your page. If you know how to use the copy/paste shortcut of Ctrl-C (copy) and Ctrl-V (paste) you can copy the address directly into your Notepad file After finding your favorite places go back to the file yourlastname.htm and replace the addresses in the section "These are my interests:" with the ones that you wrote down. You need to have three sites that you found by searching and you should have the PCC and Portland links on the paragraph where you talk about yourself. Step 5 - Insert an Image Replace the HTML tag that reads "walter.jpg" with an image of your choice. Preferably your will use your picture. Step 6 - Preview Your Web Page After your file has all the information that you need do the following: Open your web browser Select the menu option File then Open on your browser. Type h:\yourlastname.htm (where h: is where you saved your file) This will load your page to preview it. If all of your tags (html code) have been typed correctly, then your page will display. You should see a page with your picture and all the links, like the example. A picture will be centered on the page, and you will have your links at the bottom. Test them by clicking on link. It should take you right to that remote site. If you get an error message, you probably miss typed the http:// address in your html page.
Additional Notes and Example Page These are the tags used to create Walter Morales’ casa page (Home page). The page is shown below. Your browser reads these special tags (commands) that are enclosed between the < > to make the text to be formatted in the way that Netscape or another browser needs to interpret them. Each tag mean something to the browser. For instance the <p align="center"><img src="walter.jpg"></p> is asking the browser to insert a picture on the center of the page. The picture is "walter.jpg". It is better if the image is in the format .gif or .jpg. The <I><A HREF="">Bras-net - Brazilian discussion list</A></I> tag is an example of how to create a "jump/hyperlink". The http... is the homepage address and the Bras-net... is what shows on the screen for the user to click on and jump to the http address. The address will be replaces by some topic that you would like to have on your page that will be a link to another page. This will allow you to click on that line, the mouse pointer will become a finger. Once clicked, it will take you to a pre-selected page that was selected by you, using the Net Search button. Something that you would like such as links to pages with your hobbies, etc. You will make the necessary changes and use YOUR information. The information that you will have to change is in italic, make sure NOT TO CHANGE anything else that is in regular/bold text, otherwise it will not work. Type this using Notepad
This is the result from the code aboveWalter Morales' casa page
Born just a little over 30 Years ago in the beautiful city of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. After studying Computer Science, Psychology, Computer Science in Education and Educational Media at Western Oregon University for a total of 6 hard studying years, I moved to Portland, Oregon in 1991 and I have been here since, working as a Computer Information Systems' instructor for Portland Community College among many other things....
These are my interests: