Assignment 3
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CS160 – Assignment 3 (50 Pts) DUE DATE: announced in class/see home page for this site

Complete all the exercises in Chapter 4 of your CeeBot package. The first is entitled "Titanium 4" and the last is entitled "Eastereggs 3".

When you have completed the last exercise (Eastereggs 3), open the CeeBot Program Editor for your robot and save your program in a file named eastereggs3. You do this by clicking the third button on the left at the top of the Program Editor window. It has a floppy disk icon, with a shortcut of Control-S. When the Save dialog box appears, be sure to check the "Private" check box and enter eastereggs3 in the Name field.

You can then close the CeeBot package and open Windows Explorer. Navigate to the folder that contains your saved robot program. On my computer, which has a default installation of the Ceebot package, the path to this file is:

C:\Program Files\Ceebot4\savegame\Student\Student 1\program\eastereggs3.txt.

Now upload this file (eastereggs3.txt) to the sws server. Please review the instructions given with assignment #1 if you are uncertain how to do this.