Android APIs
public class


extends Object


Public Methods
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat alpha(float value)
This method will cause the View's alpha property to be animated to the specified value.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat alphaBy(float value)
This method will cause the View's alpha property to be animated by the specified value.
void cancel()
Cancels all property animations that are currently running or pending.
long getDuration()
Returns the current duration of property animations.
Interpolator getInterpolator()
Returns the timing interpolator that this animation uses.
long getStartDelay()
Returns the current startDelay of property animations.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat rotation(float value)
This method will cause the View's rotation property to be animated to the specified value.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat rotationBy(float value)
This method will cause the View's rotation property to be animated by the specified value.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat rotationX(float value)
This method will cause the View's rotationX property to be animated to the specified value.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat rotationXBy(float value)
This method will cause the View's rotationX property to be animated by the specified value.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat rotationY(float value)
This method will cause the View's rotationY property to be animated to the specified value.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat rotationYBy(float value)
This method will cause the View's rotationY property to be animated by the specified value.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat scaleX(float value)
This method will cause the View's scaleX property to be animated to the specified value.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat scaleXBy(float value)
This method will cause the View's scaleX property to be animated by the specified value.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat scaleY(float value)
This method will cause the View's scaleY property to be animated to the specified value.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat scaleYBy(float value)
This method will cause the View's scaleY property to be animated by the specified value.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat setDuration(long value)
Sets the duration for the underlying animator that animates the requested properties.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat setInterpolator(Interpolator value)
Sets the interpolator for the underlying animator that animates the requested properties.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat setListener(ViewPropertyAnimatorListener listener)
Sets a listener for events in the underlying Animators that run the property animations.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat setStartDelay(long value)
Sets the startDelay for the underlying animator that animates the requested properties.
void start()
Starts the currently pending property animations immediately.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat translationX(float value)
This method will cause the View's translationX property to be animated to the specified value.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat translationXBy(float value)
This method will cause the View's translationX property to be animated by the specified value.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat translationY(float value)
This method will cause the View's translationY property to be animated to the specified value.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat translationYBy(float value)
This method will cause the View's translationY property to be animated by the specified value.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat withEndAction(Runnable runnable)
Specifies an action to take place when the next animation ends.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat withLayer()
The View associated with this ViewPropertyAnimator will have its layer type set to LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE for the duration of the next animation.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat withStartAction(Runnable runnable)
Specifies an action to take place when the next animation runs.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat x(float value)
This method will cause the View's x property to be animated to the specified value.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat xBy(float value)
This method will cause the View's x property to be animated by the specified value.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat y(float value)
This method will cause the View's y property to be animated to the specified value.
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat yBy(float value)
This method will cause the View's y property to be animated by the specified value.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat alpha (float value)

This method will cause the View's alpha property to be animated to the specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The value to be animated to.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat alphaBy (float value)

This method will cause the View's alpha property to be animated by the specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The amount to be animated by, as an offset from the current value.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public void cancel ()

Cancels all property animations that are currently running or pending.

public long getDuration ()

Returns the current duration of property animations. If the duration was set on this object, that value is returned. Otherwise, the default value of the underlying Animator is returned.

Prior to API 14, this method will return 0.

  • The duration of animations, in milliseconds.

public Interpolator getInterpolator ()

Returns the timing interpolator that this animation uses.

Prior to API 14, this method will return null.

  • The timing interpolator for this animation.

public long getStartDelay ()

Returns the current startDelay of property animations. If the startDelay was set on this object, that value is returned. Otherwise, the default value of the underlying Animator is returned.

Prior to API 14, this method will return 0.

  • The startDelay of animations, in milliseconds.

public Vi ewPropertyAnimatorCompat rotation (float value)

This method will cause the View's rotation property to be animated to the specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The value to be animated to.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat rotationBy (float value)

This method will cause the View's rotation property to be animated by the specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The amount to be animated by, as an offset from the current value.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat rotationX (float value)

This method will cause the View's rotationX property to be animated to the specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The value to be animated to.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat rotationXBy (float value)

This method will cause the View's rotationX property to be animated by the specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The amount to be animated by, as an offset from the current value.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat rotationY (float value)

This method will cause the View's rotationY property to be animated to the specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The value to be animated to.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat rotationYBy (float value)

This method will cause the View's rotationY property to be animated by the specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The amount to be animated by, as an offset from the current value.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat scaleX (float value)

This method will cause the View's scaleX property to be animated to the specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The value to be animated to.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat scaleXBy (float value)

This method will cause the View's scaleX property to be animated by the specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The amount to be animated by, as an offset from the current value.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat scaleY (float value)

This method will cause the View's scaleY property to be animated to the specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The value to be animated to.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat scaleYBy (float value)

This method will cause the View's scaleY property to be animated by the specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The amount to be animated by, as an offset from the current value.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat setDuration (long value)

Sets the duration for the underlying animator that animates the requested properties. By default, the animator uses the default value for ValueAnimator. Calling this method will cause the declared value to be used instead.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The length of ensuing property animations, in milliseconds. The value cannot be negative.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat setInterpolator (Interpolator value)

Sets the interpolator for the underlying animator that animates the requested properties. By default, the animator uses the default interpolator for ValueAnimator. Calling this method will cause the declared object to be used instead.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The TimeInterpolator to be used for ensuing property animations.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat setListener (ViewPropertyAnimatorListener listener)

Sets a listener for events in the underlying Animators that run the property animations.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

listener The listener to be called with AnimatorListener events. A value of null removes any existing listener.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat setStartDelay (long value)

Sets the startDelay for the underlying animator that animates the requested properties. By default, the animator uses the default value for ValueAnimator. Calling this method will cause the declared value to be used instead.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The delay of ensuing property animations, in milliseconds. The value cannot be negative.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public void start ()

Starts the currently pending property animations immediately. Calling start() is optional because all animations start automatically at the next opportunity. However, if the animations are needed to start immediately and synchronously (not at the time when the next event is processed by the hierarchy, which is when the animations would begin otherwise), then this method can be used.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat translationX (float value)

This method will cause the View's translationX property to be animated to the specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The value to be animated to.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat translationXBy (float value)

This method will cause the View's translationX property to be animated by the specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The amount to be animated by, as an offset from the current value.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat translationY (float value)

This method will cause the View's translationY property to be animated to the specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The value to be animated to.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat translationYBy (float value)

This method will cause the View's translationY property to be animated by the specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The amount to be animated by, as an offset from the current value.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat withEndAction (Runnable runnable)

Specifies an action to take place when the next animation ends. The action is only run if the animation ends normally; if the ViewPropertyAnimator is canceled during that animation, the runnable will not run. This method, along with withStartAction(Runnable), is intended to help facilitate choreographing ViewPropertyAnimator animations with other animations or actions in the application.

For example, the following code animates a view to x=200 and then back to 0:

     Runnable endAction = new Runnable() {
         public void run() {

Prior to API 14, this method will run the action immediately.

For API 14 and 15, this method will run by setting a listener on the ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat object and running the action in that listener's onAnimationEnd(View) method.

runnable The action to run when the next animation ends.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat withLayer ()

The View associated with this ViewPropertyAnimator will have its layer type set to LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE for the duration of the next animation. As stated in the documentation for LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE, the actual type of layer used internally depends on the runtime situation of the view. If the activity and this view are hardware-accelerated, then the layer will be accelerated as well. If the activity or the view is not accelerated, then the layer will effectively be the same as LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE.

This state is not persistent, either on the View or on this ViewPropertyAnimator: the layer type of the View will be restored when the animation ends to what it was when this method was called, and this setting on ViewPropertyAnimator is only valid for the next animation. Note that calling this method and then independently setting the layer type of the View (by a direct call to setLayerType(View, int, will result in some inconsistency, including having the layer type restored to its pre-withLayer() value when the animation ends.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

For API 14 and 15, this method will run by setting a listener on the ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat object, setting a hardware layer in the listener's onAnimationStart(View) method, and then restoring the orignal layer type in the listener's onAnimationEnd(View) method.

  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat withStartAction (Runnable runnable)

Specifies an action to take place when the next animation runs. If there is a startDelay set on this ViewPropertyAnimator, then the action will run after that startDelay expires, when the actual animation begins. This method, along with withEndAction(Runnable), is intended to help facilitate choreographing ViewPropertyAnimator animations with other animations or actions in the application.

Prior to API 14, this method will run the action immediately.

For API 14 and 15, this method will run by setting a listener on the ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat object and running the action in that listener's onAnimationStart(View) method.

runnable The action to run when the next animation starts.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat x (float value)

This method will cause the View's x property to be animated to the specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The value to be animated to.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat xBy (float value)

This method will cause the View's x property to be animated by the specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The amount to be animated by, as an offset from the current value.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat y (float value)

This method will cause the View's y property to be animated to the specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The value to be animated to.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.

public ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat yBy (float value)

This method will cause the View's y property to be animated by the specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.

Prior to API 14, this method will do nothing.

value The amount to be animated by, as an offset from the current value.
  • This object, allowing calls to methods in this class to be chained.