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ALC/ALM Syllabus

Section 13 Rights and Responsibilities

Email Notice.

Due to Federal laws and concerns about privacy, all email communication between instructor and student shall be done via PCC assigned email addresses. You can access you PCC email via MyPCC. See your instructor during office hours if you’re unfamiliar with using MyPCC.

Flexibility Statement.

The instructor may revise the class calendar, modify content, and/or substitute assignments in response to institutional, weather, or class situations. Portland Community College has an emergency alert notification system that can send text messages and emails in the event of an emergency or school closure.

Accessibility and ADA Accommodations.

PCC is committed to ensuring that classes are accessible. Disability Services works with students and faculty to minimize barriers. If you elect to use approved academic accommodations, you must provide me in advance formal notification from Disability Services.

Equity & Inclusion, Nondiscrimination, Non-harassment (Title IX). (971) 722-5840
PCC is committed to creating and fostering a learning and working environment based on open communication and mutual respect. This is an integral part of the College's academic mission to enrich our students' educational experiences and prepare them to live in and contribute to a global society. If you believe you have encountered sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual assault, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, age, national origin, veteran status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability please contact the Office of Equity and Inclusion.

PCC is a sanctuary college.

PCC takes intentional action that creates a climate of learning where people from all backgrounds and abilities enjoy equal access to the opportunity to teach, learn, work, and serve the community and the world. PCC promotes the success, dignity, and worth of each individual by providing a safe environment where the examination of divergent ideas, experiences and systems of inequality adds depth to the learning experience.

Student Rights and Responsibilities.

The Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook establishes students' freedoms and protections as expectations of appropriate behavior and ethical academic work. The Handbook includes items such as Policy on Student Rights, and the Student Code of Conduct Policy and Procedures.

Policies regarding Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices.

For remote and online classes, I trust that you will leave other applications closed while class is ongoing. That will maximize your learning.
For in-person classes, all technological devices (phone, laptops, etc.) should either be off or in silent mode while class is in session. The devices should be put away --- i.e. not sitting on your desk. Texting, snap-chatting, face-booking, and other sorts of electronic interfacing should not take place while class is in session.
  • Your calculator or your calculator app should be accessible at all times (except during no-calculator testing).
  • You may access notes on a tablet or laptop computer. If you choose to do so, I trust that you will leave other applications closed while class is ongoing.
  • If there is an unusual situation where you simply must be able to read and/or send a message without delay, have your phone in vibrate mode and leave the classroom before reading and/or responding to the message.
  • You have an ADA accommodation that involves the use of one or more of the proscribed devices.