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ALC/ALM Syllabus

Section 2 Basic Needs and Covid

Basic Needs Statement.

PCC wants you to be successful and have the resources that you need. If you face challenges affording food or housing, or if you need access to technology, this will naturally affect your classwork. Check out these resources:
You can also contact a campus Student Retention Coordinator at


Covid is continuing to affect all of our lives in so many ways. I'll do my best to accommodate your learning needs this term.
Here is a resource list with information about childcare, work opportunities, unemployment benefits, food resources, health resources, and more 4  that may help you navigate changes in your life this quarter. ASPCC student leadership compiled the list with your needs in mind.
The coronavirus has also amplified many of the inequities people of color and poor people are experiencing every day, leading to more deaths every day. I hope that many of us are engaged in protesting those inequities in whatever we we can and work toward systemic change that will have lasting impact.
If you are affected in any way by the current and daily challenges, please reach out to me so I can support you in finishing this class successfully and continue your educational journey.