
My name is Andy Freed. I've been working at PCC for 8 years. I am a Technology Specialist with Distance Education and Instructional Services. I manage the Blackboard/WebCT application, provide top-level support for faculty and students, and manage other services such as the student web server, the Spot server, and a few other instructional applications like Wimba voice tools, Elluminate web conferencing, and collaborate with PCC's larger IT department. Previously, I was the student help desk coordinator and I work primarily with the Student Help Desk, WebCT/Blackboard for faculty. I am only 77% Geek.


Friday, May 29, 2009

Online Cheating

These are a few notes I complied from several locations regarding online cheating. I do not consider the "defensive" measures to be useful and would recommend alternative methods of assessment. Still, here they are. Special thanks to Neil Rowe for the original article.

Summary of common types of cheating. See Cheating in Online Assessments for more details

  1. Getting answers in advance:
    1. Students who have completed the course share exams with siblings, friends, etc.
    2. Students who take the course first (Monday morning) give answers to students taking it later (Tuesday)
    3. Student accesses questions using instructor account
    4. Student "goes through recycle bin" to find left over files that may have been used in course
  2. Retaking exam
    1. Student manipulates quiz session to make it look like computer crashed, interrupting session. Student collects questions, researches the answers and retakes the quiz for a better score.
  3. Help during exams
    1. Students use "collaboration" tools like mail, discussion, or chat within LMS to exchange information
    2. Using other devices or protocols: IM, SMS (text messaging), etc for sharing information
    3. Student is physcially with other students or someone familiar with the subject matter
    4. Student hires someone to log in and take exams on their behalf.
    5. In proctored situations, someone impersonates student to take exam.

A few quick "defensive" measures:

  1. Explain your expectations regarding course work, collaboration, and define cheating. Link to school's Rights & Responsibilities page for details on Academic Integrity.
  2. Know your students. Converse with them about results, etc. to get understanding of their comprehension.
  3. Keep online exams secure - password protected with limited access times.
  4. Use proctored assessments. While not perfect, can ensure students take quiz at appropriate time without in-person assistance and without unauthorized materials.
  5. Restrict access to devices (phones, laptops, calculators, pagers) and network (IM, FTP, web) when possible.
  6. Make assessments learning experiences, or exercises leading to written assessments.
  7. Use constructed response questions.
  8. Vary your test formats, draw from large question pools, randomize order.
  9. Avoid situations that encourage cheating, such as take home, unproctored, etc.
  10. Have backup plan for technology problems (emergency response, disaster recovery) Use a different test for makeups.
  11. Trap exams - use fake exams with incorrect answers to identify students using old answers.

There's also this nifty bit of html/css code you can slip in to the "Custom Instructions for an assessment (Edit Properties > Custom Instructions) that can prevent students from printing the quiz directly from the browser. Again, it's far from foolproof.

<style media="print">body {display:none}</style>

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