Resources for Laid-Off Workers

Unemployment Assistance

Job Search

Financial Planning

Financial Assistance

Emotional Support

Unemployment Assistance:

If you have been laid off from a direct hire job, you are probably eligible for unemployment insurance benefits. More information about eligibility and benefits are available on the following sites.

Job Search:

There are a number of resources providing assistance to job seekers. If you are laid off, you should use any resources you can to help find work. Don't limit yourself to only one or two job search tools. Job Search Strategies for Difficult Times includes a multimedia presentation for job seekers looking for work.

Financial Planning:

If you are laid off, you will need to make immediate adjustments to your household budget and other financial concerns. Below are some resources providing guidance and assistance.

Financial Assistance:

If you have immediate needs for cash, housing and/or food assistance, there are a variety of services available to you.

Emotional Support:

Being laid off can be confusing, frustrating, and frightening. Seek out personal and professional support as you work through your layoff.

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Sylvania Student Employment and Cooperative Education, Portland Community College, P.O. Box 19000, Portland OR 97280, Ph: 971-722-4710, FAX: 971-722-8129, Updated: 8/13, Webmaster