General full-time and part-time jobs open
to all PCC students and graduates are posted
on-line via Panther Works and on job
boards at each Jobs & Internships
office. Postings can be accessed on-line via the
"Paying for College" tab of MyPCC. Past graduates
without MyPCC access can connect here. |
Graduates and advanced students in our
Professional - Technical programs receive
referrals for full-time career positions,
and part-time and internship positions related
to their field of study. Grads/students will
work with an assigned specialist to prepare job
search materials and receive job postings. Click
the button to the left for details. |
Work Study is a grant program through Financial
Aid. Use the button to the left to get information
on eligibility and application directions. Once
notified of their grant eligibility, students can
access Work Study openings on any of the PCC
campuses via Panther Works. |
Other on-campus jobs include Student Help
and Casual Staff. For Student Help,
applicants must be taking at least 6 credits
during the term they work. These positions can be
accessed via the "Paying for College" tab on MyPCC
or the button to the left. (Not all openings are
publicly posted.) |
Cooperative Education or Internship
positions are available to most PCC students. All
positions offer college credit. Some positions are
paid; others are unpaid. Interested students will
work with an assigned Co-op Specialist to
determine eligibility and receive internship