Parameters and Variables

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
The Shell
Parameters and Variables
The Bourne Again Shell
Grep and AWK
Control Structures
Shell Program examples
TC Shell
Programming tools
Networking and the Internet



 A shell parameter is associated with a value that is accessible to the user.

 Names for variables (user created):

Myvar                 (start with characters only)

__MyVar__       (ok )

45myvar             (can not have variable that start with numbers)

Environmental variables, variables that have special meaning to shell:

HOME, PATH (variables that are called environmental variables)

export varname

This will make the variable to be accessible to other shell and other programs.

echo  - copies the arguments of a variable to the standard output



            ^  ^

No spaces

          (give to the variable person the value of  alex.)

$echo person          (it will just echo the word person)

$echo $person           (will display the contents of the variable myvar. Because of the leading $, shell recognizes that $person is the name of a variable, substitutes the value of the variable, and passes that value to echo)

$echo "$person"           (the " " turn off the special meaning of most other characters, also allows assignment of strings with spaces  i.e. person="bob jones")

$echo '$person'  

$echo \$person                     (prevents variable substitution, you will get $person)


$echo "$memo*"           (memo*)

$echo $memo                (test1 test2 .....)

/etc/profile           (it has the system wide default values)


.bash_profile           (if you need to change the value of one of the system wide default values)

Removing values of variables

$person=    (removes the value of the variable, but not the variable itself)


$unset person


The readonly Builtin


$echo $person               (jenny)

$readonly person

$person=hellen           (person: read-only variable)

$readonly person=jenny          (you can also use the readonly at initialization)


  The export Builtin

Variables are local to the process in which they are declared. Usually a shell script does not have access to those variables unless you export them.


$cat extestl

echo "extestl 1: $cheese"
echo "extestl 2: $cheese"


$ cat subtest

echo "subtest 1: $cheese"
echo "subtest 2: $cheese"


$ extestl

extestl 1: american
subtest 1:
subtest 2: swiss
extestl 2: american


$ cat extest2

export cheese
echo "extest2 1: $cheese"
echo "extest2 2: $cheese"


$ extest2

extest2 1: american
subtest 1: american
subtest 2: swiss
extest2 2: american

The declare Builtin


The declare builtin allows you to set attributes and values for shell variables.


-f option makes a variable a function name

-i option marks a variable so that integer variables are stores efficiently

-r option makes a variable readonly

-f option marks a variable for export.



$ declare personl=alex

$ declare -r person2=jenny

$ declare -rx person3=helen  = $ declare -x -r person3=helen 

$ declare -x person4

$declare +r person3           (use + to remove and attribute)



The read Builtin


$cat read1

echo -n "Go ahead: "  
read firstline
echo "You entered: $firstline"



Go ahead: this is a line

You entered: This is a line


echo "Go ahead: \c"  =   echo -n "Go ahead: " (if your shell does not undersnda -n)



Command substitution


Command substitution replaces a command with an output of a command


$echo $(pwd)           (newer bash syntax)



$echo `pwd`           (it works on older and newer)



$cat where

where=$(pwd)  (can also use `pwd`)

echo "You are using the $where directory."



You are using the /home/jenny directory.


Keyword variables


Bash uses certain shell variables in the same way as the Bourne shell. In some cases, Bash assigns a default value to the variable.


A colon-separated list of directories used as a search path for the cd builtin command.


The current user's home directory; the default for the cd builtin command. The value of this variable is also used by tilde expansion


A list of characters that separate fields; used when the shell splits words as part of expansion.


If this parameter is set to a filename and the MAILPATH variable is not set, Bash informs the user of the arrival of mail in the specified file.


A colon-separated list of filenames which the shell periodically checks for new mail. Each list entry can specify the message that is printed when new mail arrives in the mail file by separating the file name from the message with a `?'. When used in the text of the message, $_ expands to the name of the current mail file.



A colon-separated list of directories in which the shell looks for commands.


The primary prompt string.

$ PS1="\h: "          (hostname of your machine)  see page 331 for list

bravo: echo test





The secondary prompt string. The default value is `> '.

$echo "second prompt

you will see the secondary prompt >

type " and it will finish

Positional Parameters


When you call a shell script, positional parameters are the command name and arguments. They are called positional because you refer to them by their position on the command line.


$0           (stores the name of the command you used to call a program)


$ cat abc

echo The name of the command used echo to execute this shell script was $0

$ abc

The name of the command used

to execute this shell script was abc


$ cat display_5args

echo The first five command line

echo arguments are $1 $2 $3 $4 $5


$ display_5args jenny alex helen

The first five command line

arguments are jenny alex Helen


The shift Builtin


The shift builtin promotes each of the command-line arguments. The second argument (which was represented by $2) becomes the first (now represented by $1), the third becomes the second, the fourth becomes the third, and so on.


$ cat demo_shift

echo "argl= $1              arg2= $2          arg3= $3"


echo "argl= $1              arg2= $2          arg3= $3"


echo "argl= $1              arg2= $2          arg3= $3"


echo "argl= $1              arg2= $2          arg3= $3"



$ demo_shift alice helen jenny

argl= alice            arg2= helen    arg3= jenny

argl= helen            arg2= jenny     arg3=

argl= jenny            arg2=    arg3=

argl=     arg2=    arg3=


shift: shift count must be <= $#          (count of the command line arguments)

The set Builtin


When you call the set builtin with one or more arguments, it uses the arguments as values for positional parameters, starting with $1. The following script uses set to assign values to the positional parameters $1, $2, and $3:

See page 336 for additional options with the set command



$ cat set_it

set this is it

echo $3 $2 $1


$ set_it

it is this



$ date

Sun Dec 8 14:07:38 PST 1996

$ cat dateset

set $(date)

echo $*                (All of the command line arguments)


echo "Argument 1: $1"

echo "Argument 2: $2"

echo "Argument 3: $3"

echo "Argument 4: $4"


echo "$2 $3, $6"


$ dateset


Sun Dec 8 14:07:42 PSI 1996


Argument 1: Sun

Argument 2: Dec

Argument 3: 8

Argument 4: 14:07:42


Dec 8, 1996

Special parametes


$n           Value of the nth command-line argument (can be changed by set)

$*     All of the command-line arguments (can be changed by set)

$@   All of the command-line arguments (can be changed by set)

$#           Count of the command-line arguments

$$     PID number of the current process

$!      PID number of the most recent background task

$?     Exit status of the last task that was executed (a nonzero exit status represents a false values and means that the command failed





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This page was last modified September 26, 2004