Chapter 2

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
The Shell
Parameters and Variables
The Bourne Again Shell
Grep and AWK
Control Structures
Shell Program examples
TC Shell
Programming tools
Networking and the Internet


 The Superuser

          The most powerful user.

          The user name is root


           Logging in

                   The login is you identification to the unix system, noone has the same login that is the way how the system can identifes you.

                    logging in GUI

 Changing password: passwd

                   (It must be at least 6 chars long, it must have chars from at least two of the following three classes: uppercase letters, lowercase letter, and digits)


After login:

                    bash - prompt = $

                    tcsh - prompt = > or % in some systems

                    zsh - prompt = % (linux)


If Uppercase

                    STTY -LCASE


The shell

                    command interpreter


Logging out

                    exit or logout or CTRL-D



Correcting Mistakes

          backspace, CTRL-H (erases a character backwards)

          CTRL-U (erases a line)

          CTRL-W (erases a word)

          CTRL-C (terminates a running program)


Getting help

          man command name

                   ie. man write (shows write command info from section 1)

                   man 2 write (write info from section 2)

                    xman (X-Windows)


          info - hypertext system developed by GNU project)


Text editors

          joe (Joe's Own editor)




Some utilities

          ls - list files

          cat - displays contents of text files

          more (displays one page at a time)

          less (displays an EOF message and waits for you to press q)

          rm - delete file


Special characters

          & ; | * ? ' " ` [] () $ <> {} ^ # / \ % ! ~

          If you need to use them you need to quote them with a \

                    i.e. ** = \*\*


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Vi games

What games will help me learn vi? This may seem a bit silly, but there are many games on Unix systems that can help you learn to use vi. These help particularly with the basics. Although I don't know of any games that help with every vi command, I do know of a few that will help you learn to use hjkl to move the cursor around. NetHack, a rogue-like game, is particularly good for this, as it is a large game and can be entertaining for quite some time. Nethack is available from in /pub/games/nethack. Not to make the other games sound worse, but some other ones are rogue, moria, omega, worm, and snake.



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This page was last modified September 26, 2004