The Shell

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
The Shell
Parameters and Variables
The Bourne Again Shell
Grep and AWK
Control Structures
Shell Program examples
TC Shell
Programming tools
Networking and the Internet

The Shell


 The command line

          The shell interprets and executes a command when you type it at its prompt.

          After your press enter the shell scans the command line for proper syntax


UNIX shell differences and how to change your shell 


          Arguments can be filename, string of text, number or some other object that a command requires or act on.



          An option is an argument that modifies the effects of a command

          IE. ls –la


Processing the command line

          CONTROL-H (erase a character)

          CONTROL-U (kill a line)

          CONTROL-W (erase a word)





Standard input and standard output


          Your terminal is a device file under /dev, if you type tty and it shows /dev/pts/3 it would be the pathname to your terminal.

          Standard output would be the terminal


          cat  command can be used as both Standard input and standard output


          IE.  cat    (by itself  will echo what you type. CTRL-D sends an end of file)

                        cat filename

cat < filename (redirecting standard input) Other commands lpr, sort, grep

cat > filename

cat firstfile secondfile > thirdfile


Appending Standard output to a file


          cat pear >> orange


[wmorales@rc33uxas01 wmorales]$ date > whoison

[wmorales@rc33uxas01 wmorales]$ cat whoison

Wed Feb  2 12:21:11 PST 2000

[wmorales@rc33uxas01 wmorales]$ who >> whoison

[wmorales@rc33uxas01 wmorales]$ cat whoison

Wed Feb  2 12:21:11 PST 2000

klulla   pts/0    Feb  2 10:14 (

klulla   pts/5    Feb  2 10:49 (

jtaylor  pts/2    Feb  2 11:50 (

bjensen  pts/6    Feb  2 12:11 (

ehumphre pts/1    Feb  2 10:27 (

wmorales pts/3    Feb  2 09:42 (

dmichels pts/9    Feb  2 11:07 (

klulla   pts/4    Feb  2 12:27 (PPPa10-ResalePortlandOr2-3R7170.saturn.bbn.c


[wmorales@rc33uxas01 wmorales]$




          place to redirect output that you do not want




          ls | more


          tr sting1 sring2  (translate utility)

A  common  use of tr is to convert lowercase characters to uppercase.  This can be done in many ways.  Here are three of them:

              tr abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

              tr a-z A-Z

              tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' 


          cat abastract | tr abc ABC   


          ls | lpr




          A command that processes an input stream of data to produce an output stream of data


          who | sort | lpr


tee utility


          read from standard input and write to standard output and files


[wmorales@rc33uxas01 wmorales]$ who | tee whoison.out | grep wmorales

wmorales pts/3    Feb  2 09:42 (

[wmorales@rc33uxas01 wmorales]$ cat whoison.out

klulla   pts/0    Feb  2 10:14 (


klulla   pts/5    Feb  2 10:49 (PPPa61-ResalePortlandOr2-3R7170.saturn.bbn.c


jreynold pts/7    Feb  2 12:32 (

ggrassma pts/2    Feb  2 13:00 (

bjensen  pts/6    Feb  2 12:11 (

ehumphre pts/1    Feb  2 10:27 (

wmorales pts/3    Feb  2 09:42 (

mmcgillv pts/8    Feb  2 12:49 (

[wmorales@rc33uxas01 wmorales]$




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This page was last modified September 26, 2004