Section 5 Course Expectations
I highly encourage you to talk to me in class if you have any questions. That is the purpose of this class and I will be very happy to support you in your learning.
The best way to contact me outside of class is by using the D2L Brightspace e-mail system which can be accessed from the Classlist. You can use it to send an e-mail to me and/or your classmates. All answers will arrive in your MyPCC email, however. So make sure to check it or forward it to your personal email.
When you email me, include a relevant subject in the "Subject:" or "RE:" section of your e-mail. The subject must include the class you are taking (including the course number) and the topic of your message. Here is an example email subject line: [ALC/ALM]: Confused about Fractions
Responses from Instructor.
You will get the quickest responses from me in class. Please utilize the "Ask for help button" in Zoom. When I'm in the same breakout room as you, then just unmute yourself or message me.
I will be checking email at least once on most days of the week. I'll reply to email you send me within 48 hours, though I will make every effort to answer within 24 hours. Any email you sent after 2 PM on Friday I will answer (at the latest) by the following Monday.
I make every effort to grade your ALEKS hours within a week.
Participation Expectations.
In this course, you are expected to join us in class on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the time you registered for. Make sure to also regularly check your MyPCC email. If you are not able to be with us during class, make sure to communicate with me by email or come to my office hours about how you can make up for the missing class.