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Activity 4.3 Nondifferentiability

A function is said to be nondifferentiable at any value where its first derivative is undefined. There are three graphical behaviors that lead to non-differentiability.

  • \(f\) is nondifferentiable at \(a\) if \(f\) is discontinuous at \(a\text{.}\)

  • \(f\) is nondifferentiable at \(a\) if the slope of \(f\) is different from the left and right at \(a\text{.}\)

  • \(f\) is nondifferentiable at \(a\) if \(f\) has a vertical tangent line at \(a\text{.}\)

Subsection Exercises

Consider the function \(k\) shown in Figure 4.3.1. Please note that \(k\) has a vertical tangent line at \(-4\text{.}\)

Figure 4.3.1. \(y=\fe{k}{x}\)
Figure 4.3.2. \(y=\fe{\fd{k}}{x}\)

There are four values where \(k\) is nondifferentiable; what are these values?

Consider the function \(g\) shown in Figure 4.3.3.

Figure 4.3.3. \(y=\fe{g}{x}\)
Figure 4.3.4. \(y=\fe{\fd{g}}{x}\)

\(\fd{g}\) has been drawn onto Figure 4.3.4 over the interval \(\ointerval{-5}{-2.5}\text{.}\) Use the piecewise symmetry and periodic behavior of \(g\) to help you draw the remainder of \(\fd{g}\) over \(\ointerval{-7}{7}\text{.}\)


What six-syllable word applies to \(g\) at \(-5\text{,}\) \(0\text{,}\) and \(5\text{?}\)


What five-syllable and six-syllable words apply to \(\fd{g}\) at \(-5\text{,}\) \(0\text{,}\) and \(5\text{?}\)