Reference Page Guidelines

A reference page is a list of individuals who can address your employment skills. It should be developed for your work search and forwarded to potential employers at the appropriate time. Many employers ask for references at the time they request a completed application and/or at the conclusion of the interview process. Only submit your references when a bona fide employer has requested them. Always notify your references when you have sent their information to an employer, so they can prepare to be contacted. Make sure you send them a job description of what you are applying for & coach them on things that you want them to emphasize about you.

Your reference page should use the same heading information and lay out as used on your resume. This is important because this document may become separated from the application packet. A heading includes your name, phone number and e-mail address.

A minimum of three references is needed. Additional references may be required. Select people who can address:

  • your marketable skills in your speciality
  • your positive attributes as an employee
  • your character
  • your ability to learn quickly and adapt to change

Consider asking employers and/or colleagues who have observed your work, people in the industry you are applying for who know you, or faculty who can speak to your skills, to be a reference for you.

Traditionally, the following information is included for each of your references.

  • Name & Job Title
  • Company Name
  • Complete Business Address
  • Phone(s)
  • E-mail Address

Review Sample Reference Page.

Note: Ask for Recommendations & Skill Endorsements on Linkedin to supplement!