Cover Letter Guidelines


The cover letter should be mailed or emailed to an employer with your resume. The purpose of the letter is to present your skills & experience in future-oriented terms which highlight what you offer to the employer. The letter is an opportunity to sell yourself for the particular job you are seeking. Identify your experience & education that is most directly related to that job.

A carefully constructed & concisely written letter will convey your ability to communicate effectively in writing. It will also demonstrate your interest in & qualifications for the position. Even though 50-65% of employers don't read cover letters, they are still expected. They are always written in business letter format. Cover letter should be no more than 1 page written or 1 paragraph email. They are not databased, so exact keyword matches are less important. Never use a form letter or template. Address to an individual by name, including correct title, company name & address. If blind ad or person unknown, address to Hiring Manager. Write in your own words in a conversational style with short sentences. Center on the page with 1" margins. Close with a request for action and "Thank you" for consideration. Sign in ink, if sent thru mail.

Important: If salary history or expectations are requested by the employer, it is best not to give specific figures. Instead, indicate your willingness to negotiate within the "going rate" for someone with your background & experience.


Your Present Address with city, state, zip code


Inside Address (complete mailing address to whom you are sending - if known)

Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. _____________:

The first paragraph should state the position you are seeking, indicate why you are writing, and tell how you learned of the position. State your top 2-4 selling points/provide proof of your selling points (education, experience, skills with quantification). Write in conversational short sentences.

The middle paragraph should present additional information about your experience or personal characteristics in some detail. You might provide specific examples of demonstrated skills & related experience. Highlight your job related skills, specialized training, course work, class projects, and significant accomplishments. You can bullet specifics that match what they are looking for and point out why you are worthy of an interview.

The last paragraph should have a summary statement of your qualifications & interest & why you want to work for the particular employer. Include information such as your telephone number and email. Always thank the employer for consideration of your application and ask for what's next in the process (interview, second interview, or job).


(your signature in blue or black ink - no necessary if sending by email or uploading on company website)

Full name typed

Enclosure: Resume