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IMPORTANT:  telnet access to jupiter  will only be available until this Friday 11/3/00) at 5:00 pm. Before that time each student will need to login via telnet at least once to change their password (the new client will not accept a null password). After Friday at 5:00 pm they will need to begin using a new more secure client called "ssh" which will be loaded on the workstations in the CRC and in Room 251.
If you have access to the system from a location other than the college you will need to obtain the "ssh" client from the one of the sites listed below. 
Sites to obtain the SSH client software:
Web Site:

and go under the section:

Obtain a non-commercial use license

Get a personal non-commercial use license for SSH Secure Shell for Workstations

 From the above address you will need to click yes to accept the license agreement and then create a login account to their web site.

>Or you may use this FTP Site:
The file name to download from the FTP site is: SSHWin-2.4.0.exe
Once the file is downloaded to your computer, to install just run the program.


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This page was last modified January 08, 2001