CS 161

Course Handouts
Lecture Notes

CS 161 - Computer Science I

Instructor: Walter Morales
E-mail: wmorales@pcc.edu

Site with my calendar:

Office: Bldg. 2 room 221, COMPUTER LAB : (Lab Bldg. 2 room 257): Mo, We 2:00-4:00pm, Tu 1:00-6:00pm, Sat 12:00-2:00pm and after class whenever needed or by appointment.

Class time:


(503) 614-7604 Fax: 614-7887

Monday and Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:50 PM


Bldg. 2 room 251

NEW: The slide presentation for all the chapters can be found here

Always click on the Reload/refresh button on your browser to get the latest version of this page.

A free C++ compiler (Borland lite version) you can be download from these sites. This is all that is necessary to compile our C++ programs.

Turbo C/C++ Lite Compiler

Read the README file
Download the TCLITE.EXE archive (self-extracting)
Another site

Useful links:

Bjarne Stroustrup's FAQ

Welcome to CS161!


Introduces elementary principle of software engineering, structured program design, modular programming, problem solving, and social issues of computer systems. Topic include: scalar and structured data types, alternation and repetition control structures, elementary text file processing, and introductory object oriented programming. Prerequisites: MTH 111, placement in WR 121, and CS 140U or equivalent.

Make sure to read the Course Syllabus and the policies every once in a while

The course content guide for CS161




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This page was last modified May 31, 2001