CS 160 - CRN 22751,
23470 DL Exploring Computer Science 4 Cr. – RC
Spring 2008 Walter Morales
Rock Creek Campus and DL (DL specific will show DL next to
the item)
17705 NW Springville Rd., Portland, OR 97229
LOCATION OF CLASSES: Bldg2/253F & Distance Learning
CLASS TIME: MW 9-10:50 AM, Almost 24hrs/day (but, do not
expect your instructor to be online 24hrs/day) (DL)
OFFICE NUMBER: 503 614-7604 Hours: M 1-6pm,
W 11-noon (please call first)
Rock Creek Bldg. 2 rm 253 (check current open times). You will
need to do the orientation in order to use the lab.
Always use the subject: CS160 MW – your name – your topic on ALL
of your email messages or CS160 ONLINE – your name – your topic
LAB TIMES (OFFICE HOURS): M 1-6pm, W 11-noon (please call first)
REQUIRED TEXT: Computer Science an Overview Edition 9 by J. Glenn Brookshear
ISBN: 0-321-38701-5
Explores the field of computer science. Provides an overview of
computer architecture, software development engineering, data
organization, problem-solving strategies, ethics, and theory of
computation. Explores career options and develops rudimentary
software development skills.
PREREQUISITES: Computer Literacy (such as completion of CIS 120); placement at
MTH 65 and RD 115.
Students will be evaluated based on their performance on
in-class exams and discussions, and homework assignments. In
addition to the following, your grade will depend on
participation in class discussions, online activities (DL),
attendance, especially if your score falls on the borderlines.
HW assignments (50%) | 90% - 100% = A
Midterm exam (20%) | 80% - 89% = B
exam (20%) | 70% - 79% = C
Attendance (10%) | 50% - 69% = D
| 00% - 49% = F
Further grading policy, see
If you are not able to turn in
your assignment in time, please advise your instructor (in
writing, voice mail or e-mail prior to the due
date of the assignment or test, so an arrangement, if possible,
can be made. Otherwise the value of the homework or test
will be worth 50% of its original value. The
assignment is late if you submit your assignment after its due
date. The test/exam is considered late if you do not login and
take the test within the scheduled time (DL). Turn it in after
the class has started. If an assignment is worth 50 points and
it is turned in late, the maximum number of points that you will
receive is 25 points. Please make sure to let your instructor
know if there will be a problem with the due dates of the
assignments and make an arrangement. Remember, only ½ credit
will be given for late assignments. Late assignments, for late
credit will be accepted at the latest one week after their due
date. Except the last two assignments that will not be accepted
Attendance Policy:
The student will also be expected to spend an average of 3 or
more hours per week working on course projects. Participation in
class discussions will count towards class participation.
Please, be sure to attend the online labs whenever possible, in
the case of sickness or emergency please contact the instructor
(writing a note, voice mail or e-mail) prior to
the class meeting (DL). In the DL class, a combination of
Lecture labs (try it sections) and online lab attendance will
count towards the 10% attendance/participation grade.
LATE. The assignments will be corrected between 1 - 2 weeks time
frame. Please check how to use the
return receipt,1895,1166613,00.asp feature of
your email program for confirmation that I have received your
assignment. For on campus students, you will post your
assignments on our server.
Lab exercises include:
There should be about 7 assignments; we will be using a
software called CeeBot that can be downloaded from Do not start an
assignment until they have a date assigned to them. The due
dates will be announced in class. It will be posted in the
online discussion board under weekly postings and in the online
calendar (DL)
Instructional ADA statement;
"PCC is committed to supporting all students. If you have an
accommodation form from the Office for Students with
Disabilities (OSD), please make arrangements to meet with me
privately to discuss your needs. Accommodations are not
retroactive, but begin when the instructor receives the OSD
Approved Academic Accommodations form from the student. To
request academic accommodations due to a disability, please
contact OSD at 503-614-7300 to make an appointment with an OSD
Flexibility Statement: Assignment/exam calendars may be changed in response to
institutional, weather, class problems. See Academic Calendar
ACADEMIC HONESTY: Degrees and grades are awarded on the basis of evidence that
students have mastered course material and met other
requirements. Homework, assignments, term papers, examinations,
and other assigned work provide evidence of that mastery, as
well as providing practice for the student. Please visit
and look at this document carefully.
1) This course is not available on a pass/no-pass or an
incomplete grade. Students wanting to receive an audit must
notify the instructor in a written statement by the third
week of classes. If you are going to take this class for an
Audit grade the requirements are that you complete at least 60%
of the class work including a combination of tests and/or
assignments. PCC Policy
2) All the assignments that you will be submitting must be
typed, always include the questions with your assignments
(copy from the web page and paste to your word processor).
3) Always keep a copy of your submitted assignments and make sure
you backup your work frequently.
4) If you plan to use the computer lab. Please check the schedule
for our Computer Resource Center.
5) You
will be responsible for the material covered in class.
6) The following course outline may change slightly. You will be
notified about these changes during the lecture.
7) I will do my best to keep up with the schedule, but sometimes
we may need to spend a little more time on certain subjects.
8) On the subject line of your messages ALWAYS include class
name, your name, topic. i.e. CS160 online - Your name -
questions about assignment 1 or replace online with MW for on
campus class.
9) Your instructor can not be available 24hrs a day, I do my best
to be responsive to your messages, but it may take up to 36-72
hrs to respond to your e-mails.
10) (DL) Use the discussion board to post your questions. Most
likely there will be students reading it at different times and
may catch your questions before I get to them. Your instructor
will participate in the class discussion but if you need
immediate attention contact your instructor via e-mail.
(DL) Please be courteous during the online lab, when a question
is posted wait until that student gets a response before posting
(DL) Please use the online lab to focus on material to be
covered during those two hours. You are welcome to chat during
the break.
(DL) The due dates for assignments, and any other items to be
submitted to your instructor are announced in the Discussion
board and online calendar.
(DL) The discussion boards are to be used to post messages
related to the topics covered in class. It is not to be used for
personal attacks or any posting that is disruptive to the class.
Please be aware of the Code of Student Conduct, violations will
be reported to the Dean of students.
SCHEDULE: Class topics may vary, but this is the basic