



CS Program description


Rock Creek CRC
academic calender
registration and tuition



Welcome to Winter 2021!



PCC Spring



Morales, Walter T Web
Instr/Comp Sci

Computer Science
RC 7 202




I was born a little over 50 years ago in the beautiful city of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. I lived in Campinas until I was 18 years old when I decided to go to school in the U.S.A. in 1983.

After devoting 6 years studying Computer Science, Psychology, Computer Science in Education and Educational Media at Western Oregon University, in Monmouth, Oregon, I moved to Portland, Oregon in 1991 and I have been here since. 

After working at different locations such as OHSU, OGI, and in consulting firms I started my career at Portland Community College in 1992 teaching Computer Science Computer Information Systems, Computer Applications/Office Systems courses Portland Community College.


Important dates:

  • academic calendar 

    Registration Helpline: 971-722-8888


  • This Spring 20 I will be teaching:


    • CS140U Intro to Unix         << copies of class presentations and assignments for cs140u campus


Other Courses pages:


  • CS133G - (Online) Introduction to computer games

  • CS140U Intro to Unix Online           << copies of class presentations and assignments for the cs140u campus class

  • CS160 - Exploring Computer Science

  • CS133U Introduction to C

  • CS161 JAVA Computer Science I

  • CS161 C++ Computer Science I

  • CS162 C++ Computer Science II

  • CS234u - Accelerated C++

  • CIS120 - Computer Concepts I

  • CAS111 - Web Page Creation

  • CAS 299C - Beginning Web Page Creation

  • BT102 - Introduction to Windows

  • BT2170 - Working with DOS


Help Choosing Computer Classes
Many PCC programs offer classes in various computing topics. This chart will help you sort out your options.




Student maps Spring 09



Walter Morales
Computer Science Instructor
Rock Creek Campus - Bldg 2/244
Portland, OR 97229
fax 977-7227887