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CS133U - Introduction to C 

Assignment 6/final exam  DUE 12/13


bd07153_.jpg (6988 bytes) Instructor: Walter Morales
E-mail: wmorales@pcc.edu
http://spot.pcc.edu/~wmorales (main site)
Office: RC - Blg 2 / 244
(Virtual Hours – Contact me via e-mail. On campus Mon/TH 3-5 pm, or by appointment. Please, Call first)  


Phone: (503) 614-7604    Fax: 614-7887



Welcome to CS133U



CS 133U Introduction to C, 4 cr.—Solve real-world problems using structured programming principles and the C programming language in a MS DOS/Windows environment. Introduces with little or no previous programming experience the world of computer programming through development of C programs to solve practical problems.

Recommended: Computer Literacy (such as completion of CIS 120).


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