
A UiObject is a representation of a view. It is not in any way directly bound to a view as an object reference. A UiObject contains information to help it locate a matching view at runtime based on the UiSelector properties specified in its constructor. Once you create an instance of a UiObject, it can be reused for different views that match the selector criteria.


long WAIT_FOR_EVENT_TMEOUT This constant is deprecated. use setScrollAcknowledgmentTimeout(long)
long WAIT_FOR_SELECTOR_TIMEOUT This constant is deprecated. use setWaitForSelectorTimeout(long)
Public Constructors
UiObject(UiSelector selector)
Constructs a UiObject to represent a view that matches the specified selector criteria.
Public Methods
void clearTextField()
Clears the existing text contents in an editable field.
boolean click()
Performs a click at the center of the visible bounds of the UI element represented by this UiObject.
boolean clickAndWaitForNewWindow(long timeout)
Performs a click at the center of the visible bounds of the UI element represented by this UiObject and waits for window transitions.
boolean clickAndWaitForNewWindow()
Waits for window transitions that would typically take longer than the usual default timeouts.
boolean clickBottomRight()
Clicks the bottom and right corner of the UI element
boolean clickTopLeft()
Clicks the top and left corner of the UI element
boolean dragTo(UiObject destObj, int steps)
Drags this object to a destination UiObject.
boolean dragTo(int destX, int destY, int steps)
Drags this object to arbitrary coordinates.
boolean exists()
Check if view exists.
Rect getBounds()
Returns the view's bounds property.
UiObject getChild(UiSelector selector)
Creates a new UiObject for a child view that is under the present UiObject.
int getChildCount()
Counts the child views immediately under the present UiObject.
String getClassName()
Retrieves the className property of the UI element.
String getContentDescription()
Reads the content_desc property of the UI element
UiObject getFromParent(UiSelector selector)
Creates a new UiObject for a sibling view or a child of the sibling view, relative to the present UiObject.
String getPackageName()
Reads the view's package property
final UiSelector getSelector()
Debugging helper.
String getText()
Reads the text property of the UI element
Rect getVisibleBounds()
Returns the visible bounds of the view.
boolean isCheckable()
Checks if the UI element's checkable property is currently true.
boolean isChecked()
Check if the UI element's checked property is currently true
boolean isClickable()
Checks if the UI element's clickable property is currently true.
boolean isEnabled()
Checks if the UI element's enabled property is currently true.
boolean isFocusable()
Check if the UI element's focusable property is currently true.
boolean isFocused()
Check if the UI element's focused property is currently true
boolean isLongClickable()
Check if the view's long-clickable property is currently true
boolean isScrollable()
Check if the view's scrollable property is currently true
boolean isSelected()
Checks if the UI element's selected property is currently true.
boolean longClick()
Long clicks the center of the visible bounds of the UI element
boolean longClickBottomRight()
Long clicks bottom and right corner of the UI element
boolean longClickTopLeft()
Long clicks on the top and left corner of the UI element
boolean performMultiPointerGesture(PointerCoords... touches)
Performs a multi-touch gesture.
boolean performTwoPointerGesture(Point startPoint1, Point startPoint2, Point endPoint1, Point endPoint2, int steps)
Generates a two-pointer gesture with arbitrary starting and ending points.
boolean pinchIn(int percent, int steps)
Performs a two-pointer gesture, where each pointer moves diagonally toward the other, from the edges to the center of this UiObject .
boolean pinchOut(int percent, int steps)
Performs a two-pointer gesture, where each pointer moves diagonally opposite across the other, from the center out towards the edges of the this UiObject.
boolean setText(String text)
Sets the text in an editable field, after clearing the field's content.
boolean swipeDown(int steps)
Performs the swipe down action on the UiObject.
boolean swipeLeft(int steps)
Performs the swipe left action on the UiObject.
boolean swipeRight(int steps)
Performs the swipe right action on the UiObject.
boolean swipeUp(int steps)
Performs the swipe up action on the UiObject.
boolean waitForExists(long timeout)
Waits a specified length of time for a view to become visible.
boolean waitUntilGone(long timeout)
Waits a specified length of time for a view to become undetectable.
Protected Methods
AccessibilityNodeInfo findAccessibilityNodeInfo(long timeout)
Finds a matching UI element in the accessibility hierarchy, by using the selector for this UiObject.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


protected static final int FINGER_TOUCH_HALF_WIDTH

Constant Value: 20 (0x00000014)

protected static final int SWIPE_MARGIN_LIMIT

Constant Value: 5 (0x00000005)

protected static final long WAIT_FOR_EVENT_TMEOUT

This constant is deprecated.
use setScrollAcknowledgmentTimeout(long)

Constant Value: 3000 (0x0000000000000bb8)

protected static final long WAIT_FOR_SELECTOR_POLL

Constant Value: 1000 (0x00000000000003e8)

protected static final long WAIT_FOR_SELECTOR_TIMEOUT

This constant is deprecated.
use setWaitForSelectorTimeout(long)

Constant Value: 10000 (0x0000000000002710)

protected static final long WAIT_FOR_WINDOW_TMEOUT

Constant Value: 5500 (0x000000000000157c)

Public Constructors

public UiObject (UiSelector selector)

Constructs a UiObject to represent a view that matches the specified selector criteria.

Public Methods

public void clearTextField ()

Clears the existing text contents in an editable field. The UiSelector of this object must reference a UI element that is editable. When you call this method, the method first sets focus at the start edge of the field. The method then simulates a long-press to select the existing text, and deletes the selected text. If a "Select-All" option is displayed, the method will automatically attempt to use it to ensure full text selection. Note that it is possible that not all the text in the field is selected; for example, if the text contains separators such as spaces, slashes, at symbol etc. Also, not all editable fields support the long-press functionality.

public boolean click ()

Performs a click at the center of the visible bounds of the UI element represented by this UiObject.

  • true id successful else false

public boolean clickAndWaitForNewWindow (long timeout)

Performs a click at the center of the visible bounds of the UI element represented by this UiObject and waits for window transitions. This method differ from click() only i n that this method waits for a a new window transition as a result of the click. Some examples of a window transition:

  • launching a new activity
  • bringing up a pop-up menu
  • bringing up a dialog
  • Parameters
    timeout timeout before giving up on waiting for a new window
    • true if the event was triggered, else false

    public boolean clickAndWaitForNewWindow ()

    Waits for window transitions that would typically take longer than the usual default timeouts. See clickAndWaitForNewWindow(long)

    • true if the event was triggered, else false

    public boolean clickBottomRight ()

    Clicks the bottom and right corner of the UI element

    • true on success

    public boolean clickTopLeft ()

    Clicks the top and left corner of the UI element

    • true on success

    public boolean dragTo (UiObject destObj, int steps)

    Drags this object to a destination UiObject. The number of steps specified in your input parameter can influence the drag speed, and varying speeds may impact the results. Consider evaluating different speeds when using this method in your tests.

    destObj the destination UiObject.
    steps usually 40 steps. You can increase or decrease the steps to change the speed.
    • true if successful
    • Android API Level 18

    public boolean dragTo (int destX, int destY, int steps)

    Drags this object to arbitrary coordinates. The number of steps specified in your input parameter can influence the drag speed, and varying speeds may impact the results. Consider evaluating different speeds when using this method in your tests.

    destX the X-axis coordinate.
    destY the Y-axis coordinate.
    steps usually 40 steps. You can increase or decrease the steps to change the speed.
    • true if successful
    • Android API Level 18

    public boolean exists ()

    Check if view exists. This methods performs a waitForExists(long) with zero timeout. This basically returns immediately whether the view represented by this UiObject exists or not. If you need to wait longer for this view, then see waitForExists(long).

    • true if the view represented by this UiObject does exist

    public Rect getBounds ()

    Returns the view's bounds property. See getVisibleBounds()

    • Rect

    public UiObject getChild (UiSelector selector)

    Creates a new UiObject for a child view that is under the present UiObject.

    selector for child view to match
    • a new UiObject representing the child view

    public int getChildCount ()

    Counts the child views immediately under the present UiObject.

    • the count of child views.

    public String getClassName ()

    Retrieves the className property of the UI element.

    • class name of the current node represented by this UiObject
    UiObjectNotFoundException if no match was found
    • Android API Level 18

    public String getContentDescription ()

    Reads the content_desc property of the UI element

    • value of node attribute "content_desc"

    public UiObject getFromParent (UiSelector selector)

    Creates a new UiObject for a sibling view or a child of the sibling view, relative to the present UiObject.

    selector for a sibling view or children of the sibling view
    • a new UiObject representing the matched view

    public String getPackageName ()

    Reads the view's package property

    • true if it is else false

    public final UiSelector getSelector ()

    Debugging helper. A test can dump the properties of a selector as a string to its logs if needed. getSelector().toString();


    public String getText ()

    Reads the text property of the UI element

    • text value of the current node represented by this UiObject
    UiObjectNotFoundException if no match could be found

    public Rect getVisibleBounds ()

    Returns the visible bounds of the view. If a portion of the view is visible, only the bounds of the visible portion are reported.

    • Rect
    See Also
    • Android API Level 17

    public boolean isCheckable ()

    Checks if the UI element's checkable property is currently true.

    • true if it is else false

    public boolean isChecked ()

    Check if the UI element's checked property is currently true

    • true if it is else false

    public boolean isClickable ()

    Checks if the UI element's clickable property is currently true.

    • true if it is else false

    public boolean isEnabled ()

    Checks if the UI element's enabled property is currently true.

    • true if it is else false

    public boolean isFocusable ()

    Check if the UI element's focusable property is currently true.

    • true if it is else false

    public boolean isFocused ()

    Check if the UI element's focused property is currently true

    • true if it is else false

    public boolean isLongClickable ()

    Check if the view's long-clickable property is currently true

    • true if it is else false

    public boolean isScrollable ()

    Check if the view's scrollable property is currently true

    • true if it is else false

    public boolean isSelected ()

    Checks if the UI element's selected property is currently true.

    • true if it is else false

    public boolean longClick ()

    Long clicks the center of the visible bounds of the UI element

    • true if operation was successful

    public boolean longClickBottomRight ()

    Long clicks bottom and right corner of the UI element

    • true if operation was successful

    public boolean longClickTopLeft ()

    Long clicks on the top and left corner of the UI element

    • true if operation was successful

    public boolean performMultiPointerGesture (PointerCoords... touches)

    Performs a multi-touch gesture. You must specify touch coordinates for at least 2 pointers. Each pointer must have all of its touch steps defined in an array of MotionEvent.PointerCoords. You can use this method to specify complex gestures, like circles and irregular shapes, where each pointer may take a different path. To create a single point on a pointer's touch path: PointerCoords p = new PointerCoords(); p.x = stepX; p.y = stepY; p.pressure = 1; p.size = 1;

    touches represents the pointers' paths. Each MotionEvent.PointerCoords array represents a different pointer. Each MotionEvent.PointerCoords in an array element represents a touch point on a pointer's path.
    • true if all touch events for this gesture are injected successfully, false otherwise
    • Android API Level 18

    public boolean performTwoPointerGesture (Point startPoint1, Point startPoint2, Point endPoint1, Point endPoint2, int steps)

    Generates a two-pointer gesture with arbitrary starting and ending points.

    startPoint1 start point of pointer 1
    startPoint2 start point of pointer 2
    endPoint1 end point of pointer 1
    endPoint2 end point of pointer 2
    steps the number of steps for the gesture. Steps are injected about 5 milli seconds apart, so 100 steps may take around 0.5 seconds to complete.
    • true if all touch events for this gesture are injected successfully, false otherwise
    • Android API Level 18

    public boolean pinchIn (int percent, int steps)

    Performs a two-pointer gesture, where each pointer moves diagonally toward the other, from the edges to the center of this UiObject .

    percent percentage of the object's diagonal length for the pinch gesture
    steps the number of steps for the gesture. Steps are injected about 5 milliseconds apart, so 100 steps may take around 0.5 seconds to complete.
    • true if all touch events for this gesture are injected successfully, false otherwise
    • Android API Level 18

    public boolean pinchOut (int percent, int steps)

    Performs a two-pointer gesture, where each pointer moves diagonally opposite across the other, from the center out towards the edges of the this UiObject.

    percent percentage of the object's diagonal length for the pinch gesture
    steps the number of steps for the gesture. Steps are injected about 5 milliseconds apart, so 100 steps may take around 0.5 seconds to complete.
    • true if all touch events for this gesture are injected successfully, false otherwise
    • Android API Level 18

    public boolean setText (String text)

    Sets the text in an editable field, after clearing the field's content. The UiSelector selector of this object must reference a UI element that is editable. When you call this method, the method first simulates a click() on editable field to set focus. The method then clears the field's contents and injects your specified text into the field. If you want to capture the original contents of the field, call getText() first. You can then modify the text and use this method to update the field.

    text string to set
    • true if operation is successful

    public boolean swipeDown (int steps)

    Performs the swipe down action on the UiObject. The swipe gesture can be performed over any surface. The targeted UI element does not need to be scrollable. See also:

    steps indicates the number of injected move steps into the system. Steps are injected about 5ms apart. So a 100 steps may take about 1/2 second to complete.
    • true if successful

    public boolean swipeLeft (int steps)

    Performs the swipe left action on the UiObject. The swipe gesture can be performed over any surface. The targeted UI element does not need to be scrollable. See also:

    steps indicates the number of injected move steps into the system. Steps are injected about 5ms apart. So a 100 steps may take about 1/2 second to complete.
    • true if successful

    public boolean swipeRight (int steps)

    Performs the swipe right action on the UiObject. The swipe gesture can be performed over any surface. The targeted UI element does not need to be scrollable. See also:

    steps indicates the number of injected move steps into the system. Steps are injected about 5ms apart. So a 100 steps may take about 1/2 second to complete.
    • true if successful

    public boolean swipeUp (int steps)

    Performs the swipe up action on the UiObject. See also:

    steps indicates the number of injected move steps into the system. Steps are injected about 5ms apart. So a 100 steps may take about 1/2 second to complete.
    • true of successful

    public boolean waitForExists (long timeout)

    Waits a specified length of time for a view to become visible. This method waits until the view becomes visible on the display, or until the timeout has elapsed. You can use this method in situations where the content that you want to select is not immediately displayed.

    timeout the amount of time to wait (in milliseconds)
    • true if the view is displayed, else false if timeout elapsed while waiting

    public boolean waitUntilGone (long timeout)

    Waits a specified length of time for a view to become undetectable. This method waits until a view is no longer matchable, or until the timeout has elapsed. A view becomes undetectable when the UiSelector of the object is unable to find a match because the element has either changed its state or is no longer displayed. You can use this method when attempting to wait for some long operation to compete, such as downloading a large file or connecting to a remote server.

    timeout time to wait (in milliseconds)
    • true if the element is gone before timeout elapsed, else false if timeout elapsed but a matching element is still found.

    Protected Methods

    protected AccessibilityNodeInfo findAccessibilityNodeInfo (long timeout)

    Finds a matching UI element in the accessibility hierarchy, by using the selector for this UiObject.

    timeout in milliseconds
    • AccessibilityNodeInfo if found else null