public final class


extends Object

Class Overview

Utility class for including resources in posts shared on Google+ through an ACTION_SEND intent.


Nested Classes
class PlusShare.Builder  
String EXTRA_CALL_TO_ACTION Used as a bundle extra field to describe a call-to-action button for a post on Google+.
String EXTRA_CONTENT_DEEP_LINK_ID Used as a string extra field in ACTION_SEND intents to specify a resource to be shared on Google+.
String EXTRA_CONTENT_DEEP_LINK_METADATA Used as a bundle extra field in ACTION_SEND intents to describe a resource to be shared on Google+.
String EXTRA_CONTENT_URL This is a URL for the content of the post.
String EXTRA_IS_INTERACTIVE_POST Extra indicating that this is an interactive post.
String EXTRA_SENDER_ID The ID of the sender on Google+.
String KEY_CALL_TO_ACTION_DEEP_LINK_ID Bundle key used for the String deep-link ID of the call-to-action button.
String KEY_CALL_TO_ACTION_LABEL Bundle key used for the String label placeholder text of the call-to-action button.
String KEY_CALL_TO_ACTION_URL Bundle key used for the String URL of the call-to-action button.
String KEY_CONTENT_DEEP_LINK_METADATA_DESCRIPTION Bundle key used for the String description of the resource shared on Google+.
String KEY_CONTENT_DEEP_LINK_METADATA_THUMBNAIL_URL Bundle key used for the String thumbnail URL of the resource shared on Google+.
String KEY_CONTENT_DEEP_LINK_METADATA_TITLE Bundle key used for the String title of the resource shared on Google+.
String PARAM_CONTENT_DEEP_LINK_ID The query parameter containing the deep-link ID.
Protected Constructors
This constructor is deprecated. Use PlusShare.Builder instead.
Public Methods
static Person createPerson(String id, String displayName)
Creates a person to use as a recipient with the given ID and display name.
static String getDeepLinkId(Intent intent)
Get the incoming deep link.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String EXTRA_CALL_TO_ACTION

Used as a bundle extra field to describe a call-to-action button for a post on Google+.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String EXTRA_CONTENT_DEEP_LINK_ID

Used as a string extra field in ACTION_SEND intents to specify a resource to be shared on Google+.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String EXTRA_CONTENT_DEEP_LINK_METADATA

Used as a bundle extra field in ACTION_SEND intents to describe a resource to be shared on Google+. You should only set this extra with EXTRA_CONTENT_DEEP_LINK_ID, and when the deep-link ID is not a URI.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String EXTRA_CONTENT_URL

This is a URL for the content of the post.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String EXTRA_IS_INTERACTIVE_POST

Extra indicating that this is an interactive post.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String EXTRA_SENDER_ID

The ID of the sender on Google+.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String KEY_CALL_TO_ACTION_DEEP_LINK_ID

Bundle key used for the String deep-link ID of the call-to-action button. This key is used in the EXTRA_CALL_TO_ACTION bundle.

Constant Value: "deepLinkId"

public static final String KEY_CALL_TO_ACTION_LABEL

Bundle key used for the String label placeholder text of the call-to-action button. This key is used in the EXTRA_CALL_TO_ACTION bundle.

Constant Value: "label"

public static final String KEY_CALL_TO_ACTION_URL

Bundle key used for the String URL of the call-to-action button. This key is used in the EXTRA_CALL_TO_ACTION bundle.

Constant Value: "url"


Bundle key used for the String description of the resource shared on Google+. This key is used in the EXTRA_CONTENT_DEEP_LINK_METADATA bundle.

Constant Value: "description"


Bundle key used for the String thumbnail URL of the resource shared on Google+. This key is used in the EXTRA_CONTENT_DEEP_LINK_METADATA bundle.

Constant Value: "thumbnailUrl"


Bundle key used for the String title of the resource shared on Google+. This key is used in the EXTRA_CONTENT_DEEP_LINK_METADATA bundle.

Constant Value: "title"

public static final String PARAM_CONTENT_DEEP_LINK_ID

The query parameter containing the deep-link ID. This is populated when a deep link is clicked from a Google+ post.

Constant Value: "deep_link_id"

Protected Constructors

protected PlusShare ()

This constructor is deprecated.
Use PlusShare.Builder instead.

Public Methods

public static Person createPerson (String id, String displayName)

Creates a person to use as a recipient with the given ID and display name. See setRecipients(Person, List).

id The recipient's ID, see getId().
displayName The recipient's display name, see getDisplayName().

public static String getDeepLinkId (Intent intent)

Get the incoming deep link.

intent The intent passed to your activity, containing a deep_link_id.
  • The deep-link ID.