public interface


Class Overview

The main entry point for Google+ account management. To use these features, you should add the API to your GoogleApiClient.Builder.


Public Methods
abstract void clearDefaultAccount(GoogleApiClient googleApiClient)
Removes the default account set in Google Play services for your app.
abstract String getAccountName(GoogleApiClient googleApiClient)
Gets the account name resolved by Google Play services.
abstract PendingResult<Status> revokeAccessAndDisconnect(GoogleApiClient googleApiClient)
Revokes access given to the current application.

Public Methods

public abstract void clearDefaultAccount (GoogleApiClient googleApiClient)

Removes the default account set in Google Play services for your app. Subsequent calls to connect() will return a resolution intent that will let the user select a different account.

If the user chooses the same account, no consent will be required since access to the app is not revoked. Users should also be given the option to revoke access with revokeAccessAndDisconnect(GoogleApiClient).

Required API: API

googleApiClient The connected GoogleApiClient to service the call.

public abstract String getAccountName (GoogleApiClient googleApiClient)

Gets the account name resolved by Google Play services. The permission <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" /> must be declared in your AndroidManifest.xml to use this method.

Required API: API

googleApiClient The connected GoogleApiClient to service the call.
  • The account name. If the user has not selected an account, null is returned.
SecurityException If your app doesn't have the GET_ACCOUNTS permission.

public abstract PendingResult<Status> revokeAccessAndDisconnect (GoogleApiClient googleApiClient)

Revokes access given to the current application.

Required API: API

googleApiClient The connected GoogleApiClient to service the call.
  • the PendingResult for notification and access to the result when it's available.