public interface


Class Overview

The main entry point for interacting with the geofencing APIs.

The methods must be used in conjunction with a GoogleApiClient. E.g.

 new GoogleApiClient.Builder(context)

All methods are thread safe.


Public Methods
abstract PendingResult<Status> addGeofences(GoogleApiClient client, List<Geofence> geofences, PendingIntent pendingIntent)
Sets alerts to be notified when the device enters or exits one of the specified geofences.
abstract PendingResult<Status> removeGeofences(GoogleApiClient client, List<String> geofenceRequestIds)
Removes geofences by their request I Ds.
abstract PendingResult<Status> removeGeofences(GoogleApiClient client, PendingIntent pendingIntent)
Removes all geofences associated with the given pendingIntent.

Public Methods

public abstract PendingResult<Status> addGeofences (GoogleApiClient client, List<Geofence> geofences, PendingIntent pendingIntent)

Sets alerts to be notified when the device enters or exits one of the specified geofences. If an existing geofence with the same request ID is already registered, the old geofence is replaced by the new one, and the new pendingIntent is used to generate intents for alerts.

Status is returned when geofences are successfully added or failed to be added. Refer to GeofenceStatusCodes for possible errors when adding geofences.

When a geofence transition (for example, entering or exiting) matches one of the transition filter (see setTransitionTypes(int)) in the given geofence list, an intent is generated using the given pending intent. You can call fromIntent(Intent) to get the transition type, geofences that triggered this intent and the location that triggered the geofence transition.

In case network location provider is disabled by the user, the geofence service will stop updating, all registered geofences will be removed and an intent is generated by the provided pending intent. In this case, the GeofencingEvent created from this intent represents an error event, where hasError() returns true and getErrorCode() returns GEOFENCE_NOT_AVAILABLE.

This method requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION.

client An existing GoogleApiClient. It must be connected at the time of this call, which is normally achieved by calling connect() and waiting for onConnected(Bundle) to be called.
geofences a list of geofences to be added. The geofences must be created using Geofence.Builder.
pendingIntent a pending intent that will be used to generate an intent when matched geofence transition is observed
SecurityException if the app does not have ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission
IllegalArgumentException if geofences is null or empty
NullPointerException if intent or listener is null

public abstract PendingResult<Status> removeGeofences (GoogleApiClient client, List<String> geofenceRequestIds)

Removes geofences by their request IDs. Request ID is specified when you create a Geofence by calling setRequestId(String).

Status is returned when geofences are successfully removed or fail to be removed. Refer to GeofenceStatusCodes for possible errors when removing geofences.

This method requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION.

client An existing GoogleApiClient. It must be connected at the time of this call, which is normally achieved by calling connect() and waiting for onConnected(Bundle) to be called.
geofenceRequestIds a list of request IDs of geofences that need to be removed
IllegalArgumentException if geofenceRequestIds is null or empty
SecurityException if the app does not have ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission
NullPointerException if listener is null

public abstract PendingResult<Status> removeGeofences (GoogleApiClient client, PendingIntent pendingIntent)

Removes all geofences associated with the given pendingIntent.

Warning: please use FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT rather than FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT when creating the pending intent, otherwise you will not get the same pending intent you provided to addGeofences(GoogleApiClient, List, PendingIntent) and thus the removal operation will remove nothing.

Status is returned when geofences are successfully removed or fail to be removed. Refer to GeofenceStatusCodes for possible errors when removing geofences.

This method requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION.

client An existing GoogleApiClient. It must be connected at the time of this call, which is normally achieved by calling connect() and waiting for onConnected(Bundle) to be called.
pendingIntent the pending intent associated with the geofences that need to be removed.
SecurityException if the app does not have ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission
NullPointerException if intent or listener is null