public class


extends Object
implements SafeParcelable

Class Overview

Result of an activity recognition.

It contains a list of activities that a user may have been doing at a particular time. The activities are sorted by the most probable activity first. A confidence is associated with each activity which indicates how likely that activity is.

getMostProbableActivity() will return the most probable activity of the user at the time that activity recognition was run.


Inherited Constants
From interface android.os.Parcelable
From interface
public static final ActivityRecognitionResultCreator CREATOR
Public Constructors
ActivityRecognitionResult(List<DetectedActivity> probableActivities, long time, long elapsedRealtimeMillis)
Constructs an ActivityRecognitionResult.
ActivityRecognitionResult(DetectedActivity mostProbableActivity, long time, long elapsedRealtimeMillis)
Constructs an ActivityRecognitionResult from a single activity.
Public Methods
int describeContents()
static ActivityRecognitionResult extractResult(Intent intent)
Extracts the ActivityRecognitionResult from an Intent.
int getActivityConfidence(int activityType)
Returns the confidence of the given activity type.
long getElapsedRealtimeMillis()
Returns the elapsed real time of this detection in milliseconds since boot, including time spent in sleep as obtained by SystemClock.elapsedRealtime().
DetectedActivity getMostProbableActivity()
Returns the most probable activity of the user.
List<DetectedActivity> getProbableActivities()
Returns the list of activities that where detected with the confidence value associated with each activity.
long getTime()
Returns the UTC time of this detection, in milliseconds since January 1, 1970.
static boolean hasResult(Intent intent)
Returns true if an Intent contains an ActivityRecognitionResult.
String toString()
void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface android.os.Parcelable


public static final String EXTRA_ACTIVITY_RESULT

Constant Value: ""


public static final ActivityRecognitionResultCreator CREATOR

Public Constructors

public ActivityRecognitionResult (List<DetectedActivity> probableActivities, long time, long elapsedRealtimeMillis)

Constructs an ActivityRecognitionResult.

probableActivities the activities that where detected, sorted by confidence (most probable first).
time the UTC time of this detection, in milliseconds since January 1, 1970.
elapsedRealtimeMillis milliseconds since boot

public ActivityRecognitionResult (DetectedActivity mostProbableActivity, long time, long elapsedRealtimeMillis)

Constructs an ActivityRecognitionResult from a single activity.

mostProbableActivity the most probable activity of the device.
time the UTC time of this detection, in milliseconds since January 1, 1970.
elapsedRealtimeMillis milliseconds since boot.

Public Methods

public int describeContents ()

public static ActivityRecognitionResult extractResult (Intent intent)

Extracts the ActivityRecognitionResult from an Intent.

This is a utility function which extracts the ActivityRecognitionResult from the extras of an Intent that was sent from the activity detection service.

  • an ActivityRecognitionResult, or null if the intent doesn't contain an ActivityRecognitionResult.

public int getActivityConfidence (int activityType)

Returns the confidence of the given activity type.

public long getElapsedRealtimeMillis ()

Returns the elapsed real time of this detection in milliseconds since boot, including time spent in sleep as obtained by SystemClock.elapsedRealtime().

public DetectedActivity getMostProbableActivity ()

Returns the most probable activity of the user.

public List<DetectedActivity> getProbableActivities ()

Returns the list of activities that where detected with the confidence value associated with each activity. The activities are sorted by most probable activity first.

The sum of the confidences of all detected activities this method returns does not have to be <= 100 since some activities are not mutually exclusive (for example, you can be walking while in a bus) and some activities are hierarchical (ON_FOOT is a generalization of WALKING and RUNNING).

public long getTime ()

Returns the UTC time of this detection, in milliseconds since January 1, 1970.

public static boolean hasResult (Intent intent)

Returns true if an Intent contains an ActivityRecognitionResult.

This is a utility function that can be called from inside an intent receiver to make sure the received intent is from activity recognition.

  • true if the intent contains an ActivityRecognitionResult, false otherwise.

public String toString ()

public void writeToParcel (Parcel out, int flags)