
Contains utility classes for Google Play services.


GooglePlayServicesClient This interface is deprecated. replaced with GoogleApiClient  
GooglePlayServicesClient.ConnectionCallbacks This interface is deprecated. replaced with GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks  
GooglePlayServicesClient.OnConnectionFailedListener This interface is deprecated. replaced with GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener  


AccountPicker Common account picker similar to the standard framework account picker introduced in ICS: newChooseAccountIntent
ConnectionResult Contains all possible error codes for when a client fails to connect to Google Play services. 
ErrorDialogFragment Wraps the Dialog returned by getErrorDialog(int, Activity, int) by using DialogFragment so that it can be properly managed by the Activity
GooglePlayServicesUtil Utility class for verifying that the Google Play services APK is available and up-to-date on this device. 
Scopes OAuth 2.0 scopes for use with Google Play services. 
SignInButton The Google sign-in button to authenticate the user. 
SupportErrorDialogFragment Wraps the Dialog returned by getErrorDialog(int, Activity, int) by using DialogFragment so that it can be properly managed by the Activity


GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException Indicates Google Play services is not available. 
GooglePlayServicesRepairableException GooglePlayServicesRepairableExceptions are special instances of UserRecoverableExceptions which are thrown when Google Play Services is not installed, up-to-date, or enabled. 
UserRecoverableException UserRecoverableExceptions signal errors that can be recovered with user action, such as a user login.